SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That all connections with drain
pipes or sewers be in manner as follows : All connections with
Manner of said
drain pipes or sewer must be made with "Y" branches one-
eighth and one-sixteenth bend, and when a privy or well or
cesspool is to be connected to a sewer, private or public, a pipe
at least four inches in diameter must be used, and a joint must
be formed at least five feet outside the well. The said pipe
must be of extra heavy cast iron with a sanitary tee in the well,
with the bell standing upright, and at least eighteen inches of
pipe on lower end to project down into the water, the upper
end to extend as high as the surface of the ground or floor, as
the case may be, and securely plugged with a leaf screw ferrule,
and so constructed as to be easily cleaned out.
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That all pavements, streets,
alleys, roads or ways in any said city or town must be relaid
streets, etc.
and placed in good condition as soon as practicable after the
work is finished, at the expense of the owner of the property
or the person or persons having the work done.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That all drain pipes laid in the
public streets, alleys, roads or ways shall be of extra heavy cast
Drain pipes.
iron or vitrified pipe, and connected with the best Portland
cement, nad must have a fall of not less than one foot to every
fifty feet, all exceptions to the preceding rule to be made only
with the approval of said Inspector, and all change in direction
must be made with curved pipes one-eighth or one-sixteenth
bend, and no steam pipe, blow-off, steam-exhaust boiler or drip
pipes shall be connected with the house drain or sewer, but ali
such connections must be made to the main sewer on the out-
side trap or main drain.
SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That all joints in vitrified drain
pipes shall be made with mortar composed of one part best
Joints in drain
hydraulic cement and two parts clean, sharp sand, when same
is used on or in private ground.
SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That a running trap of extra
heavy pipe with double vent shall be placed on every house
Running trap
sewer at an accessible point, if practicable, within the wall of
and vertical
the building, and a vertical pipe of the same diameter, providec
with a brass trap screw, shall be constructed over the trap to
admit of cleaning the same.
SEC. 24. And be it enacted, That every house sewer shall be
provided with a fresh-air inlet on house side of the running
inlet for
trap of not less than four inches in diameter, of form to be ap-
house sewers.
proved by the Inspector of Plumbing, under the direction of