he shall reside, it being the meaning of this Act that the Grand
Grand and
petit jurors.
Jury and the Petit Jury shall be divided as equally as may be
between the election districts of said county ; and as soon as
the Grand and Petit Juries shall be drawn, the remaining one
hundred and two names shall be respectively returned to their
several drawers or compartments for future use in drawing
jurors for said term of court.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That whenever a vacancy shall
made for fill-
occur in the position of foreman of the Grand Jury, either tem-
ing vacancies.
porary or permanent, by death, absence, sickness or any other
cause, the court shall have power to appoint some other mem-
ber of the Grand Jury foreman as often as the necessity for
such appointment shall occur. If for any reason any person
or persons drawn as a Grand Juror or Grand Jurors shall fail
to attend and be present at the conclusion of the drawing, or
be disqualified or be excused for cause, the court shall forth-
with proceed to fill such vacancy or vacancies from the afore-
said remaining number of twenty-five names of those who are
present in the order in which said names are drawn from the
election district or districts, corresponding with those from
which such vacancy may be created, as above, and may there-
upon, in its discretion, fill such vacancy or vacancies thus made
in the Petit Jury by drawing the necessary number of addi-
tional names in the manner prescribed in this Act from the
district wherein such vacancy or vacancies may exist.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Judge or Judges of said
court shall have the same power to compel attendance of jurors
and shall proceed in all other matters not provided for in this
Act as under the General Law relating to jurors.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take effect
on and after the first day of July, 1904.
Approved March 29, 1904.
AN ACT to regulate the shooting of woodcock, title "Harford
County," sub-title "Birds and Game."
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Regulating the
land, That it shall not be lawful to shoot, trap, maim or kill,
shooting of
woodcock in
nor in any manner injure, destroy or expose for sale any
woodcock in Harford County between the first day of De-
cember and the first day of July, in each and every year ; nor
on the day fixed by law for holding general elections in the