and other rights therein mentioned, and shall proceed in the
said acquisition in the manner set forth in said section ; all of
the provisions of which are hereby made applicable for the
said purposes. But if the provisions of said Section 167 shall
be repealed at the present session of the General Assembly
of Maryland, and other provisions in lieu thereof be adopted
Power to con-
for the condemnation by corporations, including railroad cor-
demn proper-
porations, of property and rights of property, then and in that
event the said railroad company, for the purpose of acquiring
all the rights, easements and properties mentioned in this sec-
tion and in the second section of this Act, shall have all the
rights and powers granted, and shall proceed in the manner
set forth in such provisions as shall be adopted at the present
session of the General Assembly of Maryland for the con-
demnation by railroad companies of property and rights of
Cannot con-
property. But said railroad company shall not acquire by con-
demn the use
of a stream
demnation the right to use the waters of the stream known
of water.
as "Mill Creek" or any other rights in connection with the said
stream, except such rights as are proper to be acquired by said
company for the purpose of the construction and the main-
tenance of its railroad across the said stream.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Philadelphia, Baltimore
Must remove
and Washington Railroad Company shall remove its present
its present
bridge over the Susquehanna river, and all parts of it, in-
cluding the present main line, railway tracks of the company
lying between the Susquehanna river and the west side of
Adams street, within one year from the day on which the
bridge for whose construction provision is made by this Act
shall have been put into operation.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Philadelphia, Baltimore
and Washington Railroad Company shall on each day stop at
Stoppage of
its passenger railway stations in Havre de Grace and in Per-
ryville at least seven passenger trains passing the said points
going north, and the same number of trains going south over
the railroad of the said company ; and upon the trains so re-
quired lo be stopped, all persons wishing to cross said river
in said trains shall be carried thereon over said bridge free of
charge. And in addition to the said trains the said railroad
company shall stop at its passenger stations in Havre de Grace
and Perryville at least three through passenger trains passing
said points going north, and at least three through passenger
trains passing said points going south, for the purpose of
letting off passengers destined for said stations and for the
purpose of taking on passengers desiring to take said trains