said town of Laurel, as the Board of Election Supervisors
hereinafter named shall designate, vote for one person as
Mayor of said town of Laurel to serve for two years from
the fourth Monday in April, 1904, and until the qualification
of his successor, and the said voters shall also on the said
third Monday in April, 1904, and every two years there-
How Council-
men shall be
after, vote for five persons as members of the City Council of
Laurel, to serve for two years and until their successors shall
have qualified, two of whom shall be chosen from the said
town at large and one from each of the three wards in said
town, the representatives of the wards to be domiciled in the
ward each shall be chosen to represent. And the said town
of Laurel shall be divided into three wards as follows : Ward
No. I shall embrace all of said town lying westerly of a line
drawn from the southerly limits of the town at a point where
the westerly line of Church street intersects said limits, running
northerly along the westerly line of Church street to Main
street, and thence in a straight line by the same course to the
Patuxent river; Ward No. 2 shall embrace all of said town
between the above-mentioned line and a line drawn from a
point in the southerly limits of said town where the westerly
line of Fourth street intersects it, northerly to Main street and
along said line to Fourth street; thence to the westerly side
of Race street, and thence to the Patuxent river by the course
of the westerly line of Race street ; Ward No. 3 shall embrace
all the residue of said town lying easterly of the last above-
mentioned lines.
194. The Mayor of said town shall be a person of known
for the may-
integrity, experience and sound judgment, not less than thirty
years of age, not less than ten years a citizen of the United
States, and two years a resident of the said town of Laurel
next preceding the election, and assessed upon the assessment
books of said town for not less than three hundred dollars
and paid taxes thereon for at least one year; and said Mayor
shall hold his office for two years and until the qualification
of his successor. And the said Mayor shall receive a salary
Salaries of
of one hundred dollars per annum, and the City Councilmen
Mayor and
of said town of Laurel shall be citizens of the United States,
above the age of twenty-five years, residents of said town for
not less than two years next preceding the election, and assessed
upon the assessment books of said town for at least one hun-
dred dollars, and paid taxes thereon for at least one year, and
shall hold their office for two years and until the qualifications
of their successors. And the said Councilmen shall each receive
a salary of twenty-five dollars per annum.