No. 1.
Joint Resolution requesting the President of the United States
to direct the Secretary of War to dispatch United States
troops to Baltimore City.
WHEREAS, An exigency has occurred by reason of a great
U. S. troops to
conflagration in the City of Baltimore which makes it desir-
protect prop-
able that troops shall be placed on guard around the burnt
district of said city; and
WHEREAS, The police force of the said city and the avail-
able military force of the State have become exhausted by
Police force
and militia.
reason of long continued and arduous service ; therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
President of the United States be and he is hereby requested
Petitioning Na-
tional Govern-
to direct the Secretary of War of the United States to dispatch
ment to send
such troops of the United States as may be required for the
occasion to the City of Baltimore, to be used there for the pro-
tection of property, the patrolling of streets around the burned
district and for the maintenance of public order and peace for
such a length of time as may, in the judgment of the Governor
of this State, be necessary.
Be it further resolved, That the Secretary of State be and
he is hereby respectfully requested to send a copy of these
resolutions, duly attested under the seal of this State, to the
President of the United States.
No. 2.
Joint Resolution in respect to the memory of the late John S.
Saunders, Adjutant General of the State of Maryland.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland has heard
with deep regret of the death of General John S. Saunders, the
Gen, John S.
late Adjutant General of the Maryland National Guard; and