89. To a legacy of one thousand dollars, under the last will
and testament of Martin B. Billingsleaj late of Baltimore City,
Faith Presby-
terian Church
deceased, under the condition and for the purposes set forth in
of Baltimore.
said will, to the trustees of Faith Presbyterian Church, of the
City of Baltimore, a body corporate ; said will bearing date
November 29, 1903, and recorded in the office of the Register
of Wills for Baltimore City, in Liber No. 90, folio 30,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the sanction and consent of
Sanction and
the General Assembly of Maryland be and the same are hereby
given, granted and declared to the acquisition by the several re-
consent siren
to all of the
ligious denominations or sects, orders or corporations hereinbe-
fore in this Act mentioned or named, at any time hereafter,
whether by gift, grant or otherwise, of the fee simple title to
the lots of land aforementioned, in which they are respect-
ively entitled to leasehold interest or less than a fee simple
title, by virtue of several deeds, gifts, grants, bequests or de-
vises aforementioned, and by virtue of the sanction hereinbe-
fore by the first section of this Act given, and to the build-
ing, sale, mortgaging, leasing or otherwise disposing of same.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 12, 1904.