the trust, the money shall be. paid over by the Safe Deposit and
Trust Company, one-half to the House in Baltimore for Work-
ing Girls and one-half to the trustees of the Christian Church
at Beaver Creek, aforesaid, to be used as therein set forth, (c)
After all other bequests are provided for, if any money is left,
then to a legacy of one thousand dollars to the Orphans' Home
Home of
of Washington County, Maryland, (d) To a legacy of five
County, Md.
hundred dollars to the elders or trustees of the Christian
Church in Martinsburg, West Virginia, to be used as therein
Church. Mar-
set forth.
W. Va.
80. To a legacy of five dollars, under the last will and testa-
ment of Henry Snyder, late of Washington County, deceased,
to the Dunkard Church, located in Washington County, Mary-
County, Md.
81. To the following bequests, under the last will and testa-
ment and codicil thereto attached, of George Brehm, late of
Baltimore County, deceased, said will bearing date of January
6, 1891, and recorded in the office of the Register of Wills for
Baltimore County, to wit: (a) To a bequest of one thousand
tittle Sisters
dollars to the Little Sisters of the Poor of Baltimore, Mary-
of the Poor.
land, (b) To a bequest of five hundred dollars to the "Oblate
Oblate Sisters
Sisters of Providence of the City of Baltimore." (c) To a be-
of Providence.
quest of one thousand dollars to the Saint Anthony's Orphan
St. Anthony's
Asylum in Baltimore City, (d) To a bequest of one thousand
Orphan Asy-
lum and St.
dollars to the Saint Joseph German Hospital of the City of
Joseph Ger-
man Hospital.
82. To certain grants, sales, leases and deeds made for cer-
tain lots of ground located in Baltimore City from James H.
M. B. Church,
Matthews, to the trustees of the Metropolitan Episcopal
Church of Baltimore City, a body corporate, said deed bearing
date December 3, 1903, and recorded among the land records
of Baltimore City, in Liber R. O., No. 2048, folio 28, etc.
83. To a deed for certain real estate therein mentioned
from the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Baltimore to the
German Re-
formed Zion
German Reformed Zion Congregation of Baltimore, said deed
of Baltimore.
bearing date May 8, 1903, and recorded among the land
records of Baltimore City, in Liber R. O., No. 2012, folio 184,
etc. ; and also to a mortgage on said property from said Ger-
man Reformed Zion Congregation of Baltimore to John A.
Wirth, said mortgage bearing date May 8, 1903, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore City, in Liber R. O.,
No. 2012, folio 185, etc.