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Session Laws, 1904
Volume 209, Page 1259   View pdf image
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60. To certain grants, sales, leases and deeds to and for the


use and benefit of trustees of the Metropolitan Methodist

M. E. Church,

Episcopal Church, of Baltimore City, from James H. Matthews,


and particularly described in a deed bearing date December


3, 1903, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore


City, in Liber R. O., No. 2048, folio 28, etc.


61. To a deed conveying leasehold interest in certain real

Seventh Bap-

estate at the northwest corner of St. Paul street and North

tist Church,
of Baltimore,

avenue, from the trustees of Immanuel Baptist Church, of


Baltimore County, to the trustees of Seventh Baptist Church,


of Baltimore, said deed bearing date March 14, 1904, and re-


corded among the Land Records of Baltimore City.


62. To the bequest of one hundred dollars, under the last

St. George's

will and testament of H. Clay Elder Brainard, late of Baltimore

Church, Balti-

City, deceased, to the vestry of St. George's Church, of Bal-


timore City, said will bearing date July 7, 1903, and recorded


in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City.


63. To the making of a deed in the future by Charles R.

First Spiritual

Schirm, to the First Spiritual Church, of .Baltimore, for the

Church, of

reversionary, or ground rent interest in, and of the lot of


ground situated in the City of Baltimore, and State of Mary-


land, on the north side of Lafayette avenue, thirteen feet three


inches east from the intersection of the east side of Florence


street and the north side of Lafayette avenue, and thence run-


ning east and fronting on the north side of Lafayette avenue


eleven feet and eight inches, and running- back an even width


parallel with Florence street, seventy-seven feet nine inches


to the center of a ten foot alley.


64. To the bequest of five hundred dollars, under the last

Evan. Luth.

will and testament of Violette M. Hofflebower, late of. Wash-


ington County, deceased, to the Evangelical Lutheran Church,


of Maryland, at Knoxville,. said will being recorded in the


office of the Register of Wills for Washington County.


65. To the bequest of one hundred dollars, under the last


will and testament of Anna Funk Martin, late of Washington

Church, Ring-

County, deceased, to the trustees of the Reformed Mennonite

gold . Md.

Church, at Ringgold, Washington County, Maryland, said


will being recorded in the office of the Register of Wills in said




66. To the bequest of the balance of the estate after the pay-

A. M. E.

ment of certain expenses therein mentioned, under the last


will and testament of Charlotte Fletcher, late of Washington

Church, Ha-
gerstown, Md.

County, deceased, to the authorized trustees, for the use of


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Session Laws, 1904
Volume 209, Page 1259   View pdf image
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