49. To the bequest of five hundred dollars as contained in
Council of the
the last will and testament of Susannah Ahaff, late of Freder-
Lutheran Con-
ick County, deceased, to the Council of the Lutheran congre-
gregation of
St. Paul's.
gation of Saint Paul's, a body corporate, said will bearing
date May 24, 1892, and being recorded in the office of the
Register of Wills for Frederick County, Maryland, in Liber
C. E. S., No. I, folio 430, etc.
50. To the following legacies under the last will and testa-
Grace P. E.
ment and codicils thereto attached, by Elizabeth A. limes,
Church, of
late of Baltimore City, deceased, said will being recorded in
the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City, to wit:
(a) A legacy of five hundred dollars to the vestry of Grace
Church, Protestant Episcopal, of Baltimore, a body corporate,
for the kindergarten of the Advent Mission of said church.
(b) A legacy of five hundred dollars to the Nursery and Child's
Hospital of Baltimore, a body corporate, (c) A legacy of five
Shelter for
hundred dollars to the Shelter for Aged and Infirm Colored
Aged and In-
firm Colored
Persons of Baltimore, a body corporate, (d) A legacy of
Persons, of
four thousand dollars to the Church Home and Infirmary of
the City of Baltimore, a body corporate, (e) A legacy of
Church Home
and Infirm-
five hundred dollars to the vestry of St. Luke's Protestant
Episcopal Church, a body corporate, (f) A legacy of five
hundred dollars to the McDonogh School of Baltimore, a body
School, of
51. To a deed of certain real estate therein mentioned from
Sexton M. B.
Sarah E. Kieffer and George S. Kieffer, her husband, to the
Church, of
trustees of Sexton Methodist Episcopal Church, of Baltimore
County, said deed bearing date August 8, 1900, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore County, in Liber N.
B. M., No. 249, folio 317, etc.
52. To a bequest of one hundred dollars from Sadie E.
Myers, deceased, under her last will and testament, to the
Church, at
present elders and their successors of the Lutheran Church
at Clearspring, Washington County, said will being recorded
in the office of the Register of Wills for Washington County,
in Liber J., folio 233.
53. To a deed of certain real estate therein mentioned, from
Peter G. Zouck, to the Green Spring Chapel, said deed bearing
Green .Spring
Chapel, Md.
date June 11, 1881, and recorded among the land records of
Baltimore County, in Liber W. M. J., No. 124, folio 309, etc.;
and to a deed for the reversion interest in said real estate from
Basil B. Bowen, to said Green Spring Chapel.