election to any convention or nominating convention shall be
published two days before said election, in the mode prescribed
in Section 44 of said Article 33, as far as practicable. It shall
not be necessary to print sample ballots or cards of instruction
Sample ballots.
for such elections, but either or both shall be printed by the
Board of Supervisors of Elections of the City of Baltimore
or counties of the State, respectively, when requested by any
candidate or delegate, said request to be accompanied by a sum
of money necessary to cover the cost of printing. Each can-
didate for nomination for public office at a primary election
shall pay the sum of twenty-five dollars, and each delegation
to a nominating convention shall pay the sum of five dollars
upon filing their certificate with the Supervisors of Elections,
and the said Board of Supervisors shall pay over the amount
so received to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City,
and the County Commissioners of each county, and all the
expenses of holding said elections shall be paid by the Mayor
Expenses of
and City Council of Baltimore and the County Commissioners,
respectively, precisely as the expenses of State, city and county
elections are now paid under existing law. If such nomina-
tions are to be made by conventions, as hereinbefore provided,
every candidate having complied with the prerequisites, shall
have the privilege of having his name placed on the official bal-
lot ; before the name of that set of delegates selected by him or
running in his interest, and every vote cast for said candidate
by marking in the square opposite his name, in the manner
and form provided by this Article, shall be construed and
counted for his entire set of delegates, unless there is a mark
opposite any name in his set of delegates, in which event only
those names in that particular set of delegates marked in the
square opposite shall be counted as having been voted. When-
ever the name of any candidate is so placed upon the ballot,
the candidate's surname shall determine his place upon the
alphabetical arrangement as hereinbefore provided in this Ar-
ticle, upon said ballot, and the names of his delegates shall fol-
low immediately after his name in such order as submitted
to the Board of Supervisors of Elections. Ballots shall be cast,
counted and canvassed, and the result of the election announced
and certified, as now provided by said Article 33, for elections
held thereunder, and the said elections shall be held and con-
ducted in the manner and form provided by this Article for
general elections, and subject to all the regulations, require-
ments and provisions as prescribed by this Article for general
elections, in so far as the same is applicable to said primary
elections. Challengers and watchers representing the candi-
and watchers.
dates shall be allowed to be present at the several voting places