For the salaries of the two Commissioners of Fisheries, fif-
of Fisheries,
and the prop-
teen hundred dollars each, three thousand dollars; and to de-
agation of
fray the expenses of the Commissioners, as per Section 89 of
Article 39 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Fish
and Fisheries," sub-title "Commissioners of Fisheries," seven
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as in the opinion of the
Governor may be necessary ; no part of said appropriation to
be expended in the killing of eels in the Wicomico river or in
other waters of the State of Maryland; to the Fish Commis-
sioner of the Eastern Shore, for the propagation of fish within
the waters of the Eastern Shore, the sum of two thousand dol-
lars; and the said Commissioners of Fisheries are hereby di-
rected and required to make a detailed report to the Governor
at the end of each fiscal year of the expenditures of said funds,
with the vouchers thereto attached.
and other
To the Maryland House of Correction, for the support of the
institution, twenty-five thousand dollars; to the House of
Refuge, twenty thousand dollars; to the Female House of
Refuge, five thousand dollars; to the House of Reformation
and Instruction for Colored Children, ten thousand dollars; to
the managers of the Maryland Hospital for the Insane, for sup-
port of the institution, thirty-eight thousand dollars ; to the
Deaf and Dumb Asylum, at Frederick, for the education of the
deaf and dumb, thirty thousand dollars ; to the Maryland
School for the Blind, for the education of the deaf and dumb
and blind colored children of the State, ten thousand dollars ;
to the Springfield State Hospital of the State of Maryland,
for the support of the institution, the sum of forty-three thou-
sand one hundred dollars ; to the State Vaccine Agent, for his
salary, six hundred dollars, and to defray the expenses of pro-
curing reliable vaccine virus, two thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be nepessary ; to the Maryland Asylum and
Training School for the Feeble Minded, the sum of twenty-two
thousand five hundred dollars, for maintenance.
To pay the officers and members of the General Assembly,
Officers and
members of
including postage, stationery, mileage and miscellaneous ex-
the General
penses, as follows, to wit : For the per diem of the President
of the Senate, at eight dollars per day, seven hundred and
twenty dollars; for the per diem of the twenty-six Senators,