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Proceedings of the Electors of President and Vice-President of the United States in Maryland, 1789-1980
Volume 208, Page 265   View pdf image (33K)
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Electors, which was by the Secretary done in form following:
to wit:

                        State of Maryland,
                            Electoral College.
                Certificate and Return.
                    Senate Chamber, Annapolis Md. Jan 11th 1909.
        Be it remembered and it is hereby certified that we the
undersigned, James Enos Ray, Jr., James W. Denny, Edwin H.
Brown, Jr. John F. Williams, Hampson H. Beidler, John Charles
Linthicum, John A. Robinson and Albert G. Towers, who have
been duly appointed Electors of President  and Vice President
of the United States of America for the next ensuing term
of the respective offices thereof beginning from and after
the third day of March in the year of our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and nine, being Electors duly
appointed by the State of Maryland, in the manner
directed by the Legislature of said State as will appear
by the certificate of the Honorable Austin L. Crothers,
the Governor of Maryland under the Great Seal of the
State hereto annexed, did meet on the second Monday
being the eleventh day of January, in the year of our
Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the hour
of noon, in the State House in the City of Annapolis,
in said State, being the time and place prescribed
for such meeting by the laws of the United States and of
the State of Maryland, and that we did then proceed
to qualify ourselves for our office of Elector by taking the
oath prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of our
State in the manner required by law, and to organize
our Electoral College:
        That William Jennings Bryan of the State of Nebraska
was put in nomination for President of the United States
of America for four years from and after the third day
of March next ensuing; (and that William H. Taft of the
State of Ohio, was also put in nomination for President of
the United States of America for four years from and
after the third day of March next ensuing.)
        That we then and there proceeded to vote by
ballot in pursuance of the Constitution and Laws of
the United States for President of the United States and
on counting the ballots it was ascertained that William
Jennings Bryan of the State of Nebraska had received six
votes for President of the United States, and William H. Taft

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Proceedings of the Electors of President and Vice-President of the United States in Maryland, 1789-1980
Volume 208, Page 265   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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