shall be taken for a confession, without some reasonable excuse be given
for the same. |
LXI. |
XLI. And be
it enacted, That the clerk of each county within this
state, shall provide a well bound book, and record therein all the proceedings
of the justices relating to this act; and that it be the duty of the clerk
the county court for the time being, to attend them on all occasions relating
to this act in their respective courts, and at their meetings at the
court-house, and that he be qualified by oath before some magistrate, to
keep fair and just entries of the proceedings of the said justices, and
do all
other necessary services in relation to this act, which shall be required
him by the justices aforesaid; for all which services he shall annually
allowed in the county assessment a sum not exceeding twenty pounds current
money. |
County clerk
to provide a
book, &c. |
XLII. And be
it enacted, That no master or commander of any vessel
taking tobacco on freight, shall remove or transport any such tobacco
from any warehouse, in order to be put on board his vessel, in any open
boat or undecked vessel, or on the deck of any vessel, without such good
and sufficient covering as will secure such tobacco against rain, under
penalty of five pounds current money for every offence. |
Masters of vessels
not to remove
without sufficient
&c. |
XLIII. And be
it enacted, That the justices and inspectors of each respective
county, shall meet at any place where their respective county
courts are held, on the first Monday in November next, (if fair weather,
if not, on the next fair day,) under the penalty of twenty pounds current
money each, at which meeting it shall be determined by a majority of the
justices then present, upon the best information they can procure, what
buildings, additions, or repairs and wharfs, required by this act, are
wanting at each respective warehouse; and the said justices shall appoint
two justices most convenient to each warehouse, (not being proprietor or
proprietors of such warehouse,) to agree and contract for such buildings,
additions, repairs and wharfs, as shall be determined to be wanting as
aforesaid; and the said two justices shall, within five days after such
give notice to the proprietor or proprietors of each warehouse
concerning which they are appointed to contract, or his or their agent,
met them at some convenient place by them in such notice to be appointed,
at a time not exceeding ten days from the date of such notice;
at which meeting the said two justices shall inform the said proprietor
proprietors, or his of their agent, what is required of him or them, according
to the determination of the justices aforesaid; and if the said proprietor
or proprietors will not immediately enter into bond to the state,
in such penalty as the said two justices shall think proper, not exceeding
five hundred pounds current money, to do what is required as aforesaid
within six months after the date of such bond at farthest, or if after
bond given, such proprietor or proprietors shall not complete every thing
therein specified according to the tenor thereof, in either case the said
justices shall forthwith agree with some other person for doing what is
determined as aforesaid to be necessary, or may be unfinished as aforesaid,
and shall take a bond for performance of such their agreement; and in
case one of the two justices aforesaid should die or be removed, the other
shall have as full power to act, as if such death or removal had not happened;
and if both such justices should die or be removed, then the
county court shall appoint two other justices, who shall have the powers
aforesaid; and if any warehouse shall be suffered by the proprietor to
out of repair for the space of six weeks, every such proprietor shall forfeit
a sum not exceeding twenty pounds current money, and also shall be liable
to the action of the party grieved for damages sustained by occasion of
such warehouse being out of repair; and it shall be the duty of the inspector |
Justices and
inspectors to
meet, &c. |