IV. |
the next meeting of the court, the said new writ shall also be good
effectual. |
An additional Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for
founding a college on the western shore of this state,
constituting the same, together with Washington college
the eastern shore, into one university, by the name
of The
University of Maryland. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS, the sum of seventeen hundred and fifty
given and granted to the said college annually by the said act,
cannot property be applied to the payment of salaries to the
principal professors and tutors, of the said college, until the necessary
buildings for the said college are made, and it will generally promote
design of founding the said college to apply so much of the said annual
donation as may be necessary, in aid of the sum subscribed by individuals
towards erecting the necessary buildings, and purchasing a proper library,
and mathematical and philosophical apparatus, for the said college; and
whereas by a supplement to the said act, passed at this session of the
assembly, the same power and authority is given to nine visitors and
governors of the said college, as was given to thirteen visitors and governors,
by the said original act; therefore, |
Majority of
visitors, &c.
may draw orders,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a majority
of nine or more visitors or governors of the said college, elected or hereafter
to be elected as by the said act is directed, shall have power and authority
to draw orders in favour of their treasurer, (who shall have given
security, as by the said act is directed,) upon the treasurer of the western
shore, for the whole or such part of the sum annually granted by the said
act to the said college, as the said nine or more visitors or governors,
a majority of them, shall think proper and necessary to be applied in aid
of the sum collected from the subscriptions aforesaid, towards erecting
the necessary buildings for the said college, and purchasing a proper
library, and philosophical and mathematical apparatus; provided that not
more than the donation of two years be applied to these purposes. |
And direct
that five poor
boys be
cloathed, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said visitors and governors, or a majority
of them, shall have full power and authority to direct, that five
poor boys of promising genius, shall always hereafter be properly cloathed,
and boarded and educated, at the said college, and to apply so much of
the said annual donation as may be necessary to defray the expence
thereof; and in the exercise of this power the said visitors and governors
shall take the boys to be executed from the different counties of this
in such manner that the inhabitants of every county shall equally participate
in the advantages of this charity. |
An ACT to appoint Edward Oldham, and Mary his wife, trustees
to take care of the person and property of Joseph Ensor,
an ideot.
(A private act.) |