LXI. |
for the hogsheads intended to be put on board each vessel, which
manifest every master is required to produce to, and lodge with, the naval
officer of the district, where the vessel whereof he is master shall ride,
by whom he shall be cleared, some time before her clearance; and as it
may happen, that the vessel in which such tobacco was intended to be
put, may be so full as not to be capable of stowing all the tobacco contained
in such manifest, or by springing a leak, or other accident, it may
be necessary to reland the same, in such cases it shall and may be lawful
to ship the said tobacco, or any part thereof, on board any other vessel
owner thereof shall think fit, the master of such vessel endorsing on the
said manifest the marks and numbers of the respective hogsheads by
them taken on board, and giving notice to the inspector or inspectors of
the warehouse from whence the same was brought, or if there be no vessels
to receive the said tobacco, then it shall and may be lawful for the
master of the first mentioned vessel to put the said tobacco in the nearest
warehouse to the place where such vessel shall ride, giving immediate
notice thereof to the inspector or inspectors who passed such tobacco,
the inspector or inspectors of the warehouse where such tobacco shall be
delivered, shall receive from the person relanding the same two shillings
current money for every hogshead so landed, and shall give a receipt for
the same, and shall cause the said tobacco to be safely lodged and delivered
to the owner, or his order, when required, without any other fee or
reward, and one half of the money so received shall be paid to the owner
of the warehouse, and the other half may be retained by the inspector or
inspectors for his or their trouble. |
Tobacco not
to be passed
unless packed
in sizable
casks, &c. |
for preventing the packing tobacco in unsizable casks,
Be it enacted, That no tobacco shall
be passed or accounted lawful
tobacco, unless the same shall be packed in hogsheads not exceeding
forty-eight inches in the length of the stave, and seventy inches in
whole diameters within the staves at the crose and bulge, and the owner
of tobacco, packed in any hogshead or greater dimensions, shall repack
the same is sizable hogsheads as herein before expressed, at his own expence,
before the same shall be passed. |
Penalty for
forging manifests,
&c |
XXXV. And be
it enacted, That if any person shall forge or counterfeit
any manifest or note of any inspector or inspectors, or alter the quantity
of tobacco expressed in such manifest or note, or shall offer, or cause
to be offered, in payment, any such forged, counterfeited, or altered
manifest or note, knowing the same to be forged, counterfeited or altered,
and shall be thereof convicted in the general court, or any county
court, or shall refuse to plead, or peremptorily challenge above the number
of twenty of the pannel, shall be publicly whipped not exceeding
thirty-nine lashes, and shall be committed to gaol by the court where
convicted until sold, and such court is hereby directed to sell such convicted
person at public sale, for a term not less than three nor more than five
years, and if such person cannot be sold, then to be imprisoned in some
gaol or work-house for not less than one nor more than three years, and
there kept to continual hard labour, according to his health or strength
body, and fed with bread and coarse meat and water, and not allowed any
kind of strong liquor, except only as medicine by the prescription of a
physician in writing; and every person, sold as aforesaid, shall actually
labour as a servant during the whole time for which he shall be sold, and
in case of deceit, or contract not to serve and labour, the court shall
such servant again for the same term, and the first purchaser shall lose
money, and so toties quoties, until such person shall actually serve such
time as a servant, and in case of a second conviction for such offence,
punishment shall be doubled; and if any person, convicted of forging or
counterfeiting any inspector or inspectors manifest or note, shall have |