Inspectors to
attend, &c. |
XXII. And be
it enacted, That every inspector shall attend at the
warehouse under his charge, on every day from the first day of May
the first day of September, (except on Sundays and the fourth day of
and the holidays observed at Whitsuntide,) for the receiving, inspecting
and delivering, any tobacco brought to, and delivered at, the warehouse
of which he is an inspector, between the first day of May and the
first day of September, but he shall not be obliged to take charge
or inspect
any tobacco brought to his warehouse for inspection between the
first day of September and the first day of November, and he shall
on every day, (Sundays excepted) for the delivery of tobacco, between
first day of September and the first day of November, and he shall
as often as he shall be required from the first day of November next
the continuance of this act, (except on Sundays and the holidays at
Christmas,) for inspecting and delivering tobacco; and every inspector
neglecting to attend as aforesaid, unless prevented by sickness, or
unavoidable accident, shall forfeit and pay to the party grieved five
current money for every neglect, or shall be liable to the action upon
case of the party grieved, to recover all damages sustained, by occasion
any such neglect, together with costs, at the election of such party. |
And uncase
every hogshead,
&c. |
XXIII. And be
it enacted, That every inspector shall uncase and break
every hogshead of tobacco brought to be inspected as aforesaid, in not
than three different places, and if the inspectors, or inspector, (where
only one is appointed) shall be of opinion that such tobacco is sound,
unmixed with trash or bad tobacco, in good order and condition, and
merchantable, he or they shall weigh (or cause to be weighed in his or
their presence,) such tobacco, in scales, always giving the turn of the
scale in favour of the tobacco, with weights of the lawful standard, and
shall afterwards weight the hogshead, which the inspectors or inspector
shall stamp and brand (or cause to be stamped and branded in his or their
presence,) with a hot iron, on the head and bulge, with the name of the
warehouse, the tare of the hogshead, and quantity of net tobacco therein
contained, and shall also mark on the said hogshead, with marking irons,
the initials of the name of the owner, and the number of hogsheads
then inspected; and where two inspectors are appointed, if they cannot
agree to pass any hogshead of tobacco, they shall, without delay, or as
soon as conveniently may be, call and inspector from the next adjacent
inspection, who shall determine the difference, and pass or reject such
and when any inspector shall bring his own tobacco to the warehouse
whereof he is inspector, the same shall not be stamped and branded,
unless it be first viewed, examined and passed, by the other inspector,
by the inspector from the next adjacent inspection; and if any inspector
shall bring his own tobacco to the warehouse whereof he is the only
the same shall be viewed and examined, and refused or passed,
stamped and branded, as this act directs, by the inspector of the next
inspection. |
In case of sickness,
one inspector
act, &c. |
XXIV. And be
it enacted, That in case of sickness, or other disability,
of one inspector, the other shall execute all the powers which by this
the two inspectors together might do, as fully, to all intents and purposes,
as if they were both present, and the inspector so acting alone shall
be answerable for every hogshead of tobacco so by him inspected and
passed, and his bond may be sued for any breach of the condition thereof
committed by such inspector during the absence of such sick or disabled
inspector. |
If both are
sick, each may
appoint a person,
&c. |
XXV. And be
it enacted, If both the inspectors at any warehouse shall
at the same time be sick or disabled, and thereby prevented from attending
their duty, that in such case each of the said inspectors shall appoint |