LIX. |
safety of many of the citizens of the said county, and there being no
gaol in the said county where the said James Ranter may be confined
to prevent his doing further mischief; |
Justices to levy
&c. |
II. Be it therefore
enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the justices of Prince-George's county court shall have full power
and authority,
at their ensuing meeting, and annually hereafter, to assess and
levy on the assessable property in their said county, a sum of money
for the support, maintenance and safe custody, of the said James
Ranter; and that the said justices are hereby authorised and empowered
to safely keep the said James Ranter, either in the county of Prince-George's,
or to send him for safe custody to any part of this state, or the
United States, and that the expences which have arisen in confining
said James Ranter, and the expences which shall hereafter arise, shall
defrayed by the county of Prince-George's, in such manner as the county
charge of said county is defrayed annually. |
Passed Mar. 8. |
An ACT to vest in James Chappalear and Thomas Lock, of Saint-Mary's
county, the title to a tract or parcel of land purchased
by Joseph
Burroughs, lying and being in Calverton manor, in
Charles county.
(A private act.) |
Passed Mar. 9. |
An ACT to prevent the exportation of unmerchantable tobacco. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is essentially necessary to the commerce
this state to prevent the exportation of unmerchantable tobacco, |
No tobacco to
be exported
unless inspected,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That after the
first day of April next, it shall not be lawful to export or carry
out of this
state, by water or land, any tobacco, unless in hogsheads, which shall
be inspected,
passed, marked, stamped and branded, at some public warehouse, agreeably
to the directions of this act, or of the act, entitled, An act for
regulation of the staple of tobacco, passed June session seventeen
and eighty; and if an person shall export by water out of this state,
tobacco, contrary to this act, or shall lade any tobacco on board any
for exportation out of this state, contrary to this act, such person
forfeit and pay one shilling current money for every pounds of tobacco
exported, or shipped for exportation, and the said tobacco, so laden
board any vessel for exportation, contrary to this act, together with
vessel, and her tackle, apparel and furniture, shall be forfeited,
and may
be seized by any person, and shall be condemned in the court of admiralty,
one half to the use of the person making the seizure, and the other
to the use of the state; and if any master or commander of any vessel
receive any tobacco on board any vessel by him commanded, for exportation,
contrary to this act, or shall have knowledge that any such tobacco
is on
board, and shall not make the same known to the naval officer, before
at the time of clearing out his vessel, he shall, on conviction thereof
the general court, or any county court, be fined not exceeding one
pounds current money, and imprisoned without bail not exceeding
one year, or both, in the discretion of the court; and if any person
carry any tobacco by land out of this state, contrary to this act,
or shall
lade or put in any waggon, cart, or other carriage, any tobacco, with
to carry the same out of this state contrary to this act, such person
shall forfeit five pounds current money for every hogshead of tobacco,
(if |