An ACT to ascertain the value of the land in the several counties
of this state for the purpose of laying the public
assessment. |
Passed Mar. 8. |
WHEREAS this general assembly, being fully satisfied
of the great
inequality that has hitherto taken place in the valuation of
lands between the several counties of this state, and impressed
with the necessity of preventing the like injustice in future, having
to ascertain by law the average value by the acre of the land in the
several counties of this state; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the average of
land by the acre in the several counties be as follows, to wit; in Kent
county at thirty-three shillings and nine-pence; in Prince-George's
county at thirty-one shillings and six-pence; in Baltimore county at
twenty-nine shillings and three-pence; in Frederick, Charles, Harford,
Anne-Arundel, Queen-Anne's, Talbot, and Cæcil counties, at twenty-seven
shillings; in Montgomery, Saint-Mary's, Calvert, Dorchester, and
Somerset counties, at twenty-four shillings and nine-pence; in Washington
county at twenty-two shillings and six-pence; in Worcester county
at twenty shillings and three-pence; and in Caroline county at fifteen
shillings and nine-pence, current money. |
Average value
of lands,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the annual assessment for supplied be hereafter
imposed on the several counties upon the amount of the land in each
county, ascertained as aforesaid, at the average value as aforesaid; and
value of the personal property in the several counties, ascertained as
hereafter be directed by law. And Baltimore-town and its precincts,
Baltimore county, shall be considered and taken as separate and distinct
from the said county, and shall not be taken into the valuation of property
in the said county, and an annual assessment for supplies shall hereafter
imposed upon the said town distinct and separate from the said county,
upon the value of the amount of all the lots and parcels of ground, houses,
ground-rent and improvements, lands and real property, in the said
town, as ascertained by this act; and the value of personal property in
the said town, ascertained as hereafter shall be directed by law.
And that
the limits and bounds of Baltimore-town aforesaid and its precincts, for
the purpose aforesaid, hereby are ascertained and established as follow,
wit, beginning at the end of the east-south-east seventy perches line of
tract of land called Parker's Haven, and running thence with a streight
line to the end of the third line of Carter's Delight, thence with a streight
line to the beginning of Darley Hall, then with the two first lines of
Darley Hall the whole length of the said line, then with a streight
to the end of the east-north-east two hundred and seventy-eight perches
line of Hap Hazard, then with a streight line to the beginning of Hap
Hazard, then west-south-west twenty perches, then south unto the land
called Georgia, then bounding on the lines of Georgia reverse unto the
place where they first cross a small run that passes through a meadow in
the land late of Charles Carroll, Esquire, barrister, and falls into the
of a cove in the land late of Richard Perkins, then running down the said
run into the head of the said cove, then with the said cove, and bounding
thereon and on the waters of the middle branch, to the Ferry Point on
Patapsco Rover, thence with the waters of the said river, and of the north-west
branch of the said river, to the mouth of Harris's creek, and thence
with the waters of the said creek to the place of beginning. And
land, houses and improvements, within the said limits and bounds, shall
be considered and taken, and hereby are declared to be, Baltimore-town
and its precincts. |
Assessment to
be imposed on
the amount of
land, &c. |