GEORGE PLATER, Esquire, Governor.
most proper and available to that end, and immediately thereafter he
shall cause
full notice of these proceedings to be given, in writing, to each respective
so in arrears for the said taxes, and to his securities, and shall
require them
severally to pay into the treasury of the respective shores such parts
of the said
arrearages and balances as he shall have so apportioned, by the respective
limited by him for the payment thereof; and if any such collector, or his
shall reuse or neglect to comply with the requisitions of the said
agent, it
shall and may be lawful for the said agent, and he is hereby authorised
required, to proceed by execution, in the most effectual manner, against
each and
every defaulter, so as to insure the payment of all the arrearages and
due, or such part thereof as he shall think proper, having a just regard
to the
circumstances of each respective case; and the said agent shall proceed
from time
to time in discharge of the duties required of him by this act, or
otherwise, as
he shall find most advisable for promoting the payment and collection of
the said
arrearages and balances; provided, that no indulgence shall be given to
any of
the said collectors beyond the first day of January, seventeen hundred
and ninety-three. |
IV. And,
whereas the late agent, on compromises with several collectors,
received from such collectors in payment, either for the whole or part
of their
arrearages, bonds due from, and judgments against, certain individuals,
Be it
enacted, That such debtors on bond or judgment received as aforesaid,
shall be
and they are hereby allowed to pay the same as follows, to wit: One
fifth of the
principal, with all arrears of interest, on or before the first day of
seventeen hundred and ninety-two, one other fifth of the principal, with
interest on the whole debt then unpaid, on or before the first day
of September,
seventeen hundred and ninety-three, and so on until the whole debt and
shall be discharged; provided, that the said agent shall be authorised
and required
to limit a time within which any such debtor shall give new bond and security,
if necessary, and that, in default of the same being given as required,
the said
agent shall cause the necessary process to issue for the recovery of the
whole debt
and interest; and provided also, that if any such debtor shall fail in
making his
first or any subsequent payment agreeably to this act, process shall issue
for the
recovery of the whole debt and interest as aforesaid. |
Certain debtors
allowed to
pay one fifth
annually, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said agent be authorised to superintend the
collection of all balances due to the state on open account; and the said
shall have power to require payment of, and (if necessary) to sue for,
the same;
and the said agent, with the approbation of the governor and council, may
composition with any such debtors, and take bonds to the state, with sufficient
security, and give time for payment, not exceeding five years, always requiring
annual payments of the interest, and equal annual payments of the principal. |
Agent to superintend
collection of
all balances,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the said agent be authorised to superintend the
collection of all monies due the state for duties, fines, penalties, forfeitures,
forfeited recognizances and amerciaments, and for ordinary, retailers,
and marriage
licences, and to require payment, and (if necessary) sue for, the same;
and the
said agent may allow for insolvencies, and credit any money that the party
is not
chargeable with by law, and, for his information of the law, he shall take
advice of the attorney-general, in writing. |
And all monies
due for
duties, &c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That whenever there shall be occasion to expose to
public sale the property of any collector, or his securities, by virtue
of any
execution already issued, or to be directed for this purpose, the agent
shall cause
public notice to be given of such sale, and shall attend the same, and,
if necessary,
shall purchase any property so exposed for the use of the state, in payment,
part payment, as the case may be, of the arrearages due by the collectors
property may be so purchased; and any property so purchased for the
use of the
state, the said agent may again expose to public auction, on the most advantageous
terms for the interest of the state, and, if the same be sold on credit,
said agent shall take bond, with good and sufficient security, to be approved
of |
Notice to be
given of sales,
&c. |