GEORGE PLATER, Esquire, Governor.
aforesaid, in case they should be called in to value and ascertain the
damage aforesaid,
in manner aforesaid, shall declare and determine whether the damage and
expence shall be paid by the petitioners, or such of them as the court
may think
interested in the said road, or by the county, to be assessed and levied
like other
county assessments, as the court shall determine. |
V. And be it
enacted, That if it shall be determined that the said expence
shall be paid by the petitioners, or any of them, the said road shall not
be deemed
a public road until the damages hereby directed to be assessed shall be
paid, or
secured to be paid, to the satisfaction of the parties concerned. |
If by the petitioners,
not to be public,
&c. |
VI. Provided,
That the said road shall not go through any houses, gardens,
orchards or meadows, unless with the consent of the owner thereof, or their
guardian or trustee. |
Proviso. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners, and each of them, shall
be allowed at the rate of seven shillings and six-pence for each day they
shall act
as aforesaid, to be paid either by the petitioners, or the county, as the
court shall determine, in manner aforesaid. |
&c. |
An ACT concerning the territory of Columbia and the city of
Washington. |
Passed December
19. |
WHEREAS the president of the United States, by virtue
of several acts
of congress, and acts of the assemblies of Virginia and Maryland, by
his proclamation, dated at George-town on the thirtieth day of
March, seventeen hundred and ninety-one, did declare and make known, that
the whole of the territory of ten miles square, for the permanent seat
of government
of the United States, shall be located and included within the four lines
following; that is to say, beginning at Jones's Point, being the upper
point of
Hunting Creek, in Virginia, and at an angle in the outset of forty-five
west of the north, and running a direct line ten miles for the first line,
beginning again at the same Jones's Point, and running another direct line
at a
right angle with the first, across the Patowmack, ten miles, for the second
then from the terminations of the said first and second lines, running
two other
direct lines ten miles each, the one crossing the Eastern Branch and the
Patowmack, and meeting each other in a point; which has since been
called the
Territory of Columbia: And whereas Notley Young, Daniel Carroll,
of Duddington,
and many others, proprietors of the greater part of the land herein
mentioned to have been laid out in a city, came into an agreement, and
conveyed their lands in trust to Thomas Beall, son of George, and John
Gantt, whereby they have subjected other part to be sold to raise money
as a
donation to be employed according to the act of congress for establishing
temporary and permanent seat of the government of the United States, under
and upon the terms and conditions contained in each of the said deeds;
and many
of the proprietors of lots in Carrollsburgh and Hamburgh, have also come
an agreement, subjecting their lots to be laid out anew, giving up one
half of the
quantity thereof to be sold, and the money thence arising to be applied
as a
donation as aforesaid, and they to be reinstated in one half the quantity
of their lots
in the new location, or otherwise compensated in land in a different situation
the city, by agreement between the commissioners aforesaid and them, and,
in case
of disagreement, that then a just and full compensation shall be made in
yet some of the proprietors of other lands, have not, from imbecility and
other causes,
come into any agreement concerning their lands within the limits hereinafter
mentioned, but a very great proportion of the landholders having agreed
on the
same terms, the president of the United States directed a city to be laid
comprehending all the lands beginning on the east side of Rock Creek, at
stone standing in the middle of the road leading from George-town to
Bladensburgh, |
Preamble. |