remain at large within the said town, to the great injury of the inhabitants
thereof, |
No person to
raise or keep
swine, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That after the end
of this session of assembly, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons
to raise or keep any swine within the said town, except in enclosures,
to suffer any swine raised within the said town to go and remain at
large therein;
and if any swine shall be found going and remaining at large within the
said town,
it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons to impound the same,
such person or persons shall immediately give notice, by advertisements
set up at
the most public places in said town, describing the swine so impounded,
if the owner or owners thereof shall not, within ten days thereafter, prove
her or their property therein, and make compensation for the injury, if
which may have been sustained by any inhabitant of the said town, to be
by any two disinterested persons, inhabitants as aforesaid, and shall not
for every such swine the sum of one shilling for every day it shall have
been so
impounded, it shall and may be lawful for the person or persons impounding
aforesaid, to sell or kill the same for his, her or their use and benefit. |
Persons sued
may plead,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That if any person shall be sued or impleaded for
killing, destroying or selling, any such swine as aforesaid, the defendant
plead the general issue, and give this act and the special matter in evidence;
if the plaintiff shall be nonsuit, or discontinue his suit, he shall pay
costs, and
such damages to the defendant as the court shall adjudge. |
Passed December
26. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to authorise the commissioners
for building a court-house in Talbot county to sell
dispose of the old court-house, and for other purposes
mentioned. |
Justices to
contract for a
house, &c. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Talbot county court be authorised and required to contract and agree for
a convenient house in the town of Easton, to hold the courts for the
county aforesaid, and from and after the first day of January, seventeen
hundred and ninety-two, the several courts and elections for the county
aforesaid shall be held at such house so as aforesaid provided by the justices
for the purposes aforesaid, and that the said house shall be considered
as the
court-house of said county, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, until
the new
court-house shall be finished for that purpose, and that the several courts
elections, as soon as conveniently may be, shall be held in the new
and not elsewhere. |
how to be
defrayed. |
II. And be it
enacted, That the expence of procuring such house for holding
the several courts and elections as aforesaid until the new court-house
be finished,
shall be defrayed by the county as other county charges. |
Passed December
27. |
An ACT for the benefit of Susanna Howser, formerly widow of
Casper Fritchie, and her children. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition of
Susanna Howser, of Frederick county, that in the year seventeen
hundred and eighty-one a certain Casper Fritchie, her husband, was,
by a special court held at Frederick-town, in the said county, convicted
of high
treason, and was executed in Frederick-town for the same; that he was,
at the
time of his death, possessed of a small house and lot of land in the said
which he had purchased of Daniel Dulany, Esquire, but which was not fully
paid for, and for which no deed had been executed to him, and some personal
property to a small amount, all of which were forfeited to the state by
his attainder
and conviction as aforesaid; that she was left a helpless widow, with three |