GEORGE PLATER, Esquire, Governor.
have been much injured by the collected water; and also setting forth,
that disputes
frequently arise respecting the boundaries of lots in said town, by filling
the streets and alleys; and prayed that an act might pass appointing commissioners
for said town, with power to direct the sloping and amending the streets
said town, as they may think proper, and also to direct and regulate
the posting
of footways in the sides of the streets, the paving of those footways,
and also
empowering the said commissioners to levy a tax on all the taxable property
said town, not exceeding three shillings in the hundred pounds, for defraying
expence which may arise from repairing the streets and alleys in said town,
for the further purpose of purchasing a fire engine, sinking vats and wells
in such
places of said town as the commissioners may deem most convenient for collecting
water for the more effectually guarding against and extinguishing fire
in said town;
which this general assembly have thought proper to grant; |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Thomas Hart,
Ludwick Young, William Lee, John Shryock, John Giger, Peter Heighsly and
Baltzer Gole, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners of Elizabeth-town,
and that on refusal, death, removal or resignation, of any of the said
the major part of said commissioners shall appoint another to serve in
stead of such commissioner refusing, dying, removing or resigning; but
any person appointed, or to be appointed, a commissioner, shall act as
such, he
shall take an oath, or affirmation, before some justice of the peace, that
he will
well and faithfully execute his duty as commissioner of Elizabeth-town,
to the directions of this act, without partiality or prejudice, to the
best of
his skill. |
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners are hereby constituted
and made a body corporate, by the name of the Commissioners of Elizabeth-town,
with all the privileges of a body corporate, and to have a common seal
and perpetual succession. |
And make a
body corporate,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
as soon as may be, and from time to time, as often as occasion may require,
meet and consult together respecting the duties reposed in them by
this act, and
shall appoint a clerk, who shall take an oath that he will faithfully and
execute his said office; and it shall be the duty of said clerk to
enter into a
book to be kept for that purpose, all the proceedings of said commissioners
relating to said town, and the said book shall always be open to the inspection
and examination of the said commissioners and inhabitants of Elizabeth-town,
any other person interested; and the said commissioners are hereby empowered
allow to their clerk any sum not exceeding fifteen pounds per year
for his trouble,
and may remove and displace the clerk at pleasure. |
to meet,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
are directed to meet, as soon as may be, and determine on the best
method and
manner of sloping, lowering, raising, or otherwise rendering more convenient,
the streets and alleys in said town; and the said commissioners, or a majority
them, are hereby empowered to order and direct a proper and due proportion
said streets to be marked and divided off for footways, by posts at
such proper
distances and heights, having respect to the height and distance of those
made, as shall appear to them most convenient, and the said commissioners
the footways, so posted, to be paved with flat stone or brick, and such
and paving shall be performed at the expence of the proprietors of the
lots where the commissioners shall direct such paving and posting to be
according to their respective possessions binding on the streets. |
And determine
the method
sloping, &c.
the streets,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the owner or owners of any house or lot, or any
part of a lot, where such paving and posting shall be directed, by virtue
of this
act, to be posted, paved, amended or repaired, shall not reside within
the town,
the tenant or person using the same, or who shall have the care thereof,
cause the said paving and posting to be done before the front of such possession; |
Paving to be
done in certain
cases by
tenants, &c. |