GEORGE PLATER, Esquire, Governor.
II. And be it
enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the trustees as
aforesaid, or any three of them, to bind out any orphans under their
care in said
poor-house, to any discreet person applying for said orphan or orphans,
having a regard to give a preference to tradesmen and mechanics, by obliging
applicants for said orphan or orphans to sign a good and sufficient indenture
learn said apprentice the occupation that he follows, and to find him in
sufficient cloathing, meat, drink, washing and lodging, and to give such
as masters are obliged to give to apprentices bound by the several county
of this state; and said indenture, when so taken, shall be lodged with
the clerk
of the county where such indenture is taken, by any one of the trustees
of the
poor of said county, within thirty days after the execution thereof, under
penalty of three pounds for every neglect, to be recovered by presentment
in the
county court of the county where any such orphan shall be bound, and applied
to the use and benefit of the poor of said county; and the clerk of said
shall and he is hereby obliged to receive and record the said indenture
as other
indentures heretofore taken for orphans bound by the court of said county,
the said clerk shall be allowed the sum of three shillings current
money for each
and every indenture so received and recorded, to be assessed in the levy
of said
county. |
And bind our
orphans, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That if any of the trustees of the poor of the counties
aforesaid shall neglect to attend on any the days appointed by the trustees
for the
meeting of said trustees, and transacting of business, it shall and may
be lawful
for the said trustees, or any three of them, when met as aforesaid,
to proceed to
fine such person or persons so neglecting to attend, in any sum not exceeding
ten shillings for every such neglect, to be applied as aforesaid. |
Fine for non-attendance. |
An ACT to empower the justices of the peace of Charles county
to assess and levy a sum of money on said county to
repair their
court-house and build a record-office. |
Passed December
27. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the grand jury
and court of Charles county, that the court-house of said county is
very inconvenient, and much out of repair, and that the rooms
appropriated for the records of the said county court, and the orphans
court, are
too small for the purpose; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and
may be lawful for the justices of the peace of Charles county for the time
and they are hereby authorised, empowered and required, at their next levy
court, to levy on the assessable property in said county, the sum of five
pounds current money, together with a commission of five per cent. for
which sum so assessed, shall be collected by the sheriff, or other person
appointed to collect the county levy in said county, as other county levies
collected; and the said sheriff, or collector, as the case may be, is hereby
and directed to pay the same to the justices of Charles county court for
the time
being, who are hereby authorised and required to apply the same to the
the said court-house, and making the same more convenient, and any
that may remain, after completing the same, shall be applied in building
a new
record-office or offices, or in repairing and enlarging the present rooms
made use
of for that purpose, as may be thought best by the justices of the said
court. |
Justices to levy
&c. |
An ACT to authorise John Wilson, son of George, of Kent
county, to erect a mill-dam, and to appoint commissioners
lay out a road at the places therein mentioned. |
Passed December
27. |
WHEREAS the said John Wilson, by his petition to
this general
assembly, hath set forth, that he is the owner and possessor of a
valuable mill in Kent county, which is of great utility and convenience |
Preamble. |