that there is no real estate to work the said negroes upon, and that
it would
greatly contribute to the advantage of the said children, that some part
of the
said personal property should be sold; and it appearing to this general
that it would greatly contribute to the interest of the said children to
sell the
property aforesaid, |
M. L. Rogers
to sell personal
property, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said Margaret
Lee Rogers be and she is hereby empowered to sell the personal property
belonging to the estate of her late husband John Rogers, or such part
thereof as
she may think proper, on three years credit, first giving sufficient notice
in the Maryland Gazette, the purchasers giving bond, with such security
as shall
be approved by the orphans court of Prince-George's county; and the said
shall be deemed and taken as part of the personal estate of the said John
and may be paid by the said Margaret Lee Rogers to the guardian of
the children
of the said John Rogers, appointed, or to be appointed by the orphans court,
according to the laws of this state, in discharge of their respective shares
of the
said estate. |
Passed December
27. |
An ACT to open a road from Venable's Mills, on Barren creek,
in Somerset county, to Dean's Landing, on Nanticoke
river. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition of
sundry inhabitants of Somerset county, that it would be of great
advantage to themselves, and the public in general, to have a road
laid out from a place called Venable's Mills, to a place called Dean's
on Nanticoke river; |
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That John Robertson,
senior, John Robertson, junior, George WIlson, junior, Jacob Wright and
Abraham Taylor, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, or any
or more of them are hereby authorised to lay out and open as aforesaid,
at the
expence of the subscribers to the said road, a waggon road, in the most
direction, not exceeding forty feet wide, from or near Venable's Mills,
Barren creek, in Somerset county, to a place called Dean's Landing, on
river; and the said road, when so laid out and completed at the expence
the said subscribers, and after the valuation herein after directed
to be made, or
the damages hereby directed to be assessed, shall be paid, or secured to
the individuals
concerned, shall be recorded among the records of Somerset county court,
and be thereafter deemed and taken to be a public road for ever, and shall
kept in repair in the same manner as other public roads are directed to
be kept in
said county. |
Who may appoint
a treasurer,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners may appoint one of their
number as treasurer, who is hereby enjoined and empowered to collect and
all monies subscribed, or that may be subscribed, for the purpose of laying
and clearing the said road; and such subscribers are hereby directed to
pay their
several subscriptions to the treasurer appointed as aforesaid; and if any
shall neglect or refuse to pay his subscription money, the said treasurer,
or any
one of the said commissioners in the name of the whole, may, and is hereby
authorised to sue for, recover, and receive the same; and the said monies,
received, shall be applied by the said commissioners, or any two of them,
to the
purposes of this act. |
And ascertain
damages, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid shall ascertain and
value what damages may be sustained by any person or persons, through whose
land the said road may pass by opening and clearing the same; and the said
valuation shall be made before the said commissioners shall proceed to
open and
clear the same; and, in case any proprietor or proprietors, or their guardian
trustee, shall conceive themselves aggrieved by the valuation of the said
it shall and may be lawful for any justice of the peace for Somerset |