JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the directions of
this act, such
deputy shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifteen pounds current money for
refusal or neglect. |
LI. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That if the clerk of any county, in whose office the
acts of the general assembly, and the votes and proceedings, shall be deposited
virtue of this act, shall deliver the same, or any of them, to any person
or persons
whatsoever, other than to him or them to whom they shall be directed, or
to their orders in writing, such clerk shall forfeit and pay the sum of
five pounds
current money for every such delivery. |
Clerks to deliver
the laws
as directed,
&c. |
XV. And be it
enacted, That the governor and council for the time being be
requested to superintend the faithful execution of this act. |
&c. to superintend,
&c. |
XVI. This act to continue and be in force
for three years, and to the end of
the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter. |
Continuance. |
An ACT to settle and pay the civil list, and other expences of
civil government. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS those who dedicate their time, abilities
and labour, to the
public, ought to receive a reasonable and adequate compensation for
their services, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the several
officers of civil government, for the time being, shall be entitled to
receive at the
rate of the following salaries, in current money, for the ensuing year,
to wit:
Each member of the council two hundred pounds; the chancellor, as judge
the land-office, one hundred pounds; the treasurer of the western shore
six hundred
pounds; the treasurer of the eastern shore one hundred and fifty pounds;
the auditor two hundred pounds; the clerk of the council two hundred and
pounds; the clerk of the senate thirty pounds; the clerk of the house of
seventy-five pounds; the printer to the state four hundred and fifty
the messenger to the council fifty pounds, current money. |
Salaries allowed,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That all monies which shall remain in the treasury
after discharging the journal of accounts, and all monies heretofore
to the use of congress, which shall hereafter be received, and all unappropriated
money which may come into the treasury, be first applied to the payment
of the
civil list for the ensuing year. |
Monies to be
first applied to
civil list. |
A Supplement to the act relating to replevins. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS it has been found by experience, that to
deprive the citizens
of this state of the power of suing writs of replevin in all cases
where their property has been taken for taxes by collectors of arrearages,
is, in many instances, productive of injustice and oppression, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That in all cases
where personal property has been taken in execution for public taxes, by
of arrearages, and not sold, and where personal property shall hereafter
taken in execution for such taxes by collectors of arrearages, it shall
and may be
lawful for the person whose property has been or shall be so taken, to
apply to
any justice of the peace for the county in which he resides, for a warrant
to the
clerk of the county, authorising him to issue replevin for the goods so
and if the party applying shall, by his own oath or affirmation, which
shall be
reduced to writing, and signed by the magistrate, and such other evidence
as the
said justice may require, satisfy him that is it necessary for the purposes
of justice
that a replevin should issue, the said justice may and he is hereby authorised
to |
may issue in
certain cases,
&c. |