JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
VII. And be it
enacted, That if any creditor of the aforesaid Mark Pringle
shall, at any time within two years after the said Mark Pringle is released,
in writing, to the justices of Baltimore county court, in court sitting,
that the
said Mark Pringle hath, directly or indirectly, sold, lessened, or otherwise
of in trust or concealed, any part of his property of any kind, or any
of his debts, rights or claims, whereby to secure the same, or to receive
or expect
any profit, benefit or advantage thereby, or to deceive or defraud his
the said court may thereupon examine the said Mark Pringle on interrogatories,
on oath or affirmation, for the discovery of his property, or any concealment
thereof, and respecting his conduct touching the same, or the said justices
in their discretion, direct an issue to be tried in their court to determine
the truth
of any allegation made by such creditor, and if the said Mark Pringle shall
found guilty of any wilful defraud or deceit of his creditors, he shall
for ever be
precluded from any benefit of this act; and if the said Mark Pringle shall,
indictment, be convict of wilfully, falsely and corruptly, swearing to
any matter
or thing in his oath aforesaid contained, he shall suffer as in cases of
wilful and
corrupt perjury, and be liable to his creditors, and have no relief or
benefit by
this act. |
If creditors
allege fraud,
court may examine,
&c. |
A further additional supplementary act to the act for building a
new court-house and gaol in Queen-Anne's county, and
other purposes. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS the laws heretofore made for the appointment
of the commissioners
named in the said act, have been defective, owing to a
want of power to fill up vacancies which have happened by death
and removal out of the said county, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Henry Pratt,
Robert Walters, Solomon Clayton, Philip Feddiman and Thomas Caradine,
shall be commissioners for the purposes of contracting for materials, and
with workmen to build, complete and finish, the said court-house and gaol;
and that they, or a majority of them, shall have all the power and authority
vested in the commissioners named in the said original act, or any other
laws in
existence and force, unexecuted by them. |
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That as often as any of the said commissioners shall
die, remove out of the country, resign or refuse to act, or become incapable
acting, the surviving commissioner or commissioners, then remaining in
the said
county, is and are hereby authorised and required to elect, nominate
and choose,
one of the inhabitants of said county to fill up such vacancy, and so to
fill up all
vacancies which shall happen, until the said court-house and gaol shall
be completely
finished agreeably to the said original act. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled. |
An ACT respecting the creditors
and debtors of this state. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS this provision for the debts of the respective
states, by the
congress of the United States, renders it essential to the interest of
state that its creditors should subscribe to the loan proposed by congress,
upon receiving a full compensation from the state for any injury which
they might sustain thereby, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it be proposed
to the creditors of this state to subscribe to the loan proposed by the
congress of
the United States by an act of the said congress, entitled, An act making
for the debt of the United States; and the faith of this state is hereby
pledged to
receive from the creditors who shall subscribe to the said loan, all certificates
bearing an interest of three per cent. and all certificates bearing
an interest of six
per cent. after the year eighteen hundred, which the said creditors
shall become
entitled to by such subscription, and in exchange therefor there shall
be paid, by
the trustee appointed by this act, to the said respective creditors,
a compensation in |