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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 499   View pdf image (33K)
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Salary to chief
justice, &c.

                                LAWS of MARYLAND.

    XIV.  And be it enacted, That every chief justice, appointed and commissioned
in virtue of this act, shall receive, as a compensation for his services, as follows,
to wit:  For the first district, at the rate of four hundred pounds current money
per annum, to be paid by Saint-Mary's, Calvert, Prince-George's, and Charles
counties, in proportion to the amount of assessable property in each of the said
counties respectively, the said amount to be ascertained in each year by reference
to the last general assessment of property; for the second district, at the rate of
four hundred pounds current money per annum, to be paid by Cæcil, Kent,
Queen-Anne's, and Talbot counties, in the same proportion, to be ascertained as
aforesaid; for the third district, at the rate of four hundred pounds current money
per annum, to be paid by Anne-Arundel, Baltimore, and Harford counties,
in the same proportion, to be ascertained as aforesaid; for the fourth district, at
the rate of four hundred pounds current money per annum, to be paid by Caroline,
Dorchester, Somerset, and Worcester counties, in the same proportion, to
be ascertained as aforesaid; for the fifth district, at the rate of four hundred
pounds current money per annum, to be paid by the counties of Washington,
Frederick, Montgomery and Allegany, in the same proportion, to be ascertained
as aforesaid:  Provided always, that until the next general assessment of property
takes place, the said counties of Washington and Allegany shall be considered,
with respect to the said assessment, as if they were still the same county; and the
justices of the peace in the several counties shall assess, in their county assessment,
the sum payable by their respective counties as aforesaid, with a commission of six
per cent. for collection; which said sums shall be collected with the county assessment,
and paid by the collectors to the chief justice of their respective district,
on or before the tenth day of May next ensuing the laying of the said assessment.

Clerk to certify
    XV.  And be it enacted, That the clerk of every county shall yearly, on
or before the first day of Mary, certify, under his hand and seal of office, the
amount of the assessable property in his county, and lodge one certificate thereof
with the clerks of each county in his district, under the penalty of twenty pounds
current money.
to associate
    XVI.  And be it enacted, That each associate justice appointed and commissioners
in virtue of this act, shall receive, as a compensation for his services, the
sum of twenty shillings current money for every day he shall attend the duty of
his office, and the said allowance shall be assessed in his county assessment.
Sheriff to pay
in 30 days,
    XVII.  And be it enacted, If any collector shall not pay the allowance to any
chief justice, intrusted to his collection by virtue of this act, within thirty days
after the same shall become due, it shall be lawful for the person not paid to file
an attested copy of his bond in the general or any county court, with an affidavit
of the sum due, and a demand and refusal of payment, and thereupon execution
shall issue against such collector and his securities, and if payment be alleged, the
court may, on motion, inquire into the fact in a summary way, and commit or
release, or give such other remedy, as the nature of the execution and justice may


Justices to do
certain matters,


    XVIII.  And, whereas by divers acts of assembly, the justices of the county
courts are authorised and enjoined to do sundry matters and things at the county
courts to be held in certain months in the said acts mentioned, and in many instances
there is an alteration of the time holding the said county courts by this
act, Be it enacted, That in all cases where the courts are by this act directed to
be held in different months from those mentioned in the said acts of assembly, or 
any of them, it shall be lawful justices of the county courts, to be commissioned
in virtue of this act, to do and perform all such matters and things at
such time in each year as they shall think convenient, either at their court in
course or an adjourned court.

Taxes to be
paid, &c.
    XIX.  And, as a fund towards payment of the above annual sums to the chief
justices of the several districts, Be it enacted, That the following taxes shall be
paid in current money on the following process and proceedings in the county

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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 499   View pdf image (33K)
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