JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
act, and which are subject to the superintendence of the said commissioners
review. |
XIII. And,
whereas many inconveniences have been experienced, and much
unnecessary expence unavoidably incurred, in the execution of the act,
An act for laying out several turnpike roads in Baltimore county:
And whereas
the act aforesaid doth not provide any responsibility or security for
the funds arising
from the tax levied by the authority thereof, Be
it enacted, That it shall and
may be lawful for the said commissioners of review, or a majority of
them, and
they are hereby required and empowered, to appoint one or more supervisor
or supervisors
in the said county, in the manner herein before provided for other
and with similar obligations and compensations, and to continue such
from time to time, as often as occasions may require, until all the
roads under the superintendence of the said commissioners of review
shall be completed
according to law; and further, that the said commissioners of review
have power to appropriate the funds arising from the tax imposed by
the said act
to the several roads under their direction, and to anticipate the collection
of the
said tax, by permitting, if expedient, the supervisor or supervisors
to accept of labour
in lieu thereof, and granting certificates to those by whom such labour
be rendered, to be discounted with the collector of the county in discharge
monies due for that particular tax; and further, that the said supervisor
or supervisors,
with the approbation of the commissioners of review, or a majority
them, may contract with any person or persons for the erecting of any
bridge, or
making of any causeway, or for clearing and completing any part or
parts of the
roads under the superintendence of the said commissioners of review. |
may appoint
&c. |
XIV. And,
as a consideration to induce persons to undertake the execution of
any such work, Be it further enacted,
That the commissioners of review aforesaid,
or a majority of them, may let and farm the revenue arising under the
authority of the aforementioned act, to any such person or persons,
for any term
not exceeding twenty years, which to the said commissioners, or a majority
them, shall appear reasonable and just, to compensate such person or
persons for
their expence and trouble in executing the same, any thing in the aforementioned
act notwithstanding. |
And farm the
revenue, &c. |
XV. And be it enacted,
That so much of the act, entitled, An act for laying
out several turnpike roads in Baltimore
count, as respects the duty of the commissioners
appointed for laying out the roads
therein mentioned, after making their
returns of the plots thereof, shall
be and is hereby repealed. |
Part of an act
repealed. |
An ACT for the better administration of justice in the several
counties of this state. |
Passed December
21. |
WHEREAS it has been found by experience, that the
present system for
the administration of justice in the counties of this state, is attended
with great inconvenience, delay and expence, to suitors, witnesses
jurymen, and an uniformity of legal decisions ought to be obtained
as far as the
circumstances of the state will permit, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That this state shall
be divided into five districts, to be numbered and distinguished as
follows; that is
to say, Saint-Mary's, Calvert, Prince-George's, and Charles counties,
shall be
the first district; Cæcil, Kent, Queen-Anne's, and Talbot counties,
shall be the
second district; Anne-Arundel, Baltimore, and Harford counties, shall
be the
third district; Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset, and Worcester counties,
shall be
the fourth district; and Washington, Frederick, Montgomery, and Allegany
counties, shall be the fifth district. |
State divided
into districts,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That two county courts shall be held in each county
within the said districts in every year, and shall commence and be
held as follows; |
When courts
are to be held. |