to buy and purchase, in fee-simple, a quantity of land in the said county,
not exceeding
one hundred acres or less than six; and the said trustees, or the major
part of them, appointed as aforesaid, are hereby authorised, directed
and required,
to agree and contract with a workman or workmen to undertake, erect,
and in a workmanlike manner complete and finish, on the said land,
when so
purchased, good, strong, convenient and sufficient, houses, habitations
and dwellings,
for the reception of the poor of said county, and of such vagrants,
vagabonds and other offenders, as shall be committed by virtue of this
act, and
they shall appropriate one part thereof, to be called the alms-house,
to and for
the reception and lodging of the poor of the said county, and another
part or parts
thereof, to be called the work-house, to and for the reception and
lodging of all
such vagrants, beggars, vagabonds and other offenders, as shall be
committed in
virtue of this act; and the aforesaid land, when bought, and the aforesaid
habitations and dwellings, when built, shall be, and they are hereby
enacted and
declared to be, vested in the said trustees, and their successors for
ever, as their
estate and inheritance, for the uses and purposes by this act directed
and expressed. |
And buy
beds, &c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the said trustees, or the major part of them,
shall and they are hereby authorised, directed and required, after
the houses, habitations
and dwellings, aforesaid, shall be completely erected and finished,
purchase, for the use and employment of the poor of the said county,
and the vagrants,
beggars, vagabonds and other offenders, who shall be committed by virtue
of this act, sufficient beds, bedding, working tools, kitchen utensils,
cows, horses
and other necessaries; and the said trustees are hereby directed and
required to
purchase the said quantity of land, not exceeding one hundred acres
or less than
six, in such part of said county as they, or a majority of them, may
most convenient; and the said trustees are hereby directed and required
to keep a
fair, distinct, and clear account, in writing, of all the monies by
them received
and expended in virtue of this act, and to return a true copy thereof,
and shew
and produce the vouchers to support the same, to the said county, at
the court for
laying the county charges, to be by the said justices inspected and
which said accounts shall be lodged with the clerk of the said court. |
After three
years, justices
to levy money,
&c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That after the expiration of the said three years, the
justices of Calvert county court aforesaid, for the time being, shall
and they are
hereby empowered to assess and levy on the assessable property in said
county, at
the time of laying their county rate, a sum of current money not exceeding
shillings on every hundred pounds of property as aforesaid in the said
county, together
with the collector's commission for collecting the same; which said assessment
shall be made, levied, collected and paid, in the same manner as herein
is directed; which said money, when so as aforesaid collected, shall be
by the collector to the order of such trustees, or the major part of them,
their common seal, who are hereby authorised and required to receive and
the same to and for the use, benefit and charge, of maintaining the poor,
beggars, vagabonds and other offenders; in the purchasing provisions and
necessaries for use and labour; in paying a doctor for his salary and medicines;
providing men and women servants, to be under the direction and management
the overseer of such alms and work-house, hereafter directed to be appointed;
purchasing materials for the use and employment of all the poor, and all
vagrants, vagabonds and other offenders, who shall be able to work,
and who
shall be committed by virtue of this act. |
Trustees to
meet yearly,
&c. |
X. And be it
enacted, That the said trustees, or the major part of them, shall
and they are hereby authorised, directed and enjoined, to meet together
the first and tenth days of November, yearly, and all such other times
as they
shall judge necessary, at the alms and work-house of the said county,
during the
continuance of this act, to appoint a fit person to be overseer of
the alms and
work-house of the said county, and such other proper officers and servants
as to
them shall appear necessary for carrying on the business of the said corporation;
and they, or the major part of them, shall and may agree, and they are
empowered, to pay the said overseer, out of the money raised and collected
as |