Marriage annulled. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the marriage of
the said John Sewell and Eve his wife, be and the same is hereby declared
to be
absolutely, and to all purposes, null and void. |
Proviso. |
III. Provided always,
That nothing in this act contained shall be construed
to illegitimate any issue of the said John Sewell and Eve his wife, lawfully
prior to the birth of the said mulatto child, for having which she hath
convicted in Talbot county court as aforesaid. |
Passed December
21. |
An ACT for the relief of the poor of Calvert county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the necessity, number and increase, of the
poor within said
county, might be lessened by a due regulation and employment of
them: Therefore, |
Alms and
work-house to
be erected,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That there shall be
an alms and work-house erected and built in Calvert county, at a convenient
place therein, at the general charge and expence of the said county;
and that the
justices of the said county for the time being, shall and they are hereby
and empowered to assess and levy, in equal proportions, on the property
the said county liable to assessment, at the time of laying the county
rate, a sum
not exceeding two hundred and fifty pounds current money in each of the
seventeen hundred and ninety-one, seventeen hundred and ninety-two,
and seventeen
hundred and ninety-three, together with the collector's commission
of six
per centum thereon for collecting the same; which said rate and
assessment, so as
aforesaid to be laid and levied, shall be collected by the collector of
the said county
in the same manner, and at the same time, as the county rate is collected;
the said money, when so as aforesaid collected, shall be paid by the collector
such trustees for the poor, or the major part of them, as are by this act
who are hereby authorised and required to receive and apply the same
to the uses
and purposes herein after directed. |
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That for the time being the several persons hereafter
named be and are hereby appointed trustees of the poor within the said
and are empowered with full and sufficient authority to discharge the several
duties and trusts, reposed and required of them by this act; that is
to say,
Messieurs Walter Smith, John Dare, Frederick Skinner, John Somervell, Edward
Reynolds, Charles Williamson, and William Allein, which persons,
or the
major part of them, in case of the death or absence of any, are hereby
with all convenient speed, to meet at such place within their county as
to them
shall seem proper, to qualify themselves for the office of trustees for
the poor of
their county, by taking and subscribing the several oaths or affirmations
by law to be taken to the government, and also taking the following oath,
" I, A. B. do swear, or affirm, that I will duly and faithfully discharge
the duties
" and trust committed to me as trustee for the poor of Calvert county,
" an act of the general assembly, entitled, An act for the relief of the
poor of
" Calvert county, according to the best of my skill and knowledge.
So help
" me God:" Which oaths are to be administered by any of the seven
last named for the county to the person first named, or in his absence
to any one
of the three persons first named that shall be there present, which
person, being
sworn as aforesaid, shall administer the oaths aforementioned to all the
rest, and
so successively, the first person named that all shall be present shall
always administer
the oaths to any that have been absent, or that shall hereafter be elected
and chosen pursuant to the directions of this act to supply the place
of any that
shall be dead, or removed out of the county, or any who shall refuse or
neglect to
qualify and act as a trustee when elected pursuant to the directions of
this act; and
the aforesaid persons, or a majority of them, being sworn as aforesaid,
shall be
constituted and qualified as trustees for the poor of said county, and
as such are
hereby invested with full power and authority, as a body politic, to plead
and to
be impleaded, to sue and to be sued, to defend and to be defended, to answer
be answered, by the name of The Trustees for the Poor of Calvert county,
in all |