JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, in the name and on
the behalf
of the said people, assent to and ratify the said constitution:
In order therefore
to carry the said constitution into effect. |
XVI. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That for the purpose
of choosing the president and vice-president of the United States,
and representatives
in the congress of the United States, this state be divided into six
which shall be numbered from one to six; that Saint-Mary's, Charles,
and Calvert
counties, compose the first district; Kent, Talbot, Cæcil and
the second; Anne-Arundel, including the city of Annapolis, and Prince-George's,
the third; Baltimore, including the town of Baltimore, and Harford,
the fourth;
Somerset, Dorchester, Worcester and Caroline, the fifth; and Frederick,
Montgomery and Allegany, the sixth district. |
State divided
into districts,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the election of representatives for the state to
serve in the congress of the United States, shall be made by the citizens
of this
state qualified to vote for members of the house of delegates, on the
first Monday
of October, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two,
and on the
same day in every second year for ever thereafter, at the places in
the city of Annapolis
and Baltimore-town, and in the several counties of this state, prescribed
the constitution and laws of this state for the election of delegates
to the house of
delegates; of which elections notice shall be given by the sheriffs
of the respective
counties, and the judges of the election for the city of Annapolis
and Baltimore-town,
in like manner as for the election of delegates to the house of delegates;
and all and every officer and person, whose duty it is or may be to
attend, conduct
and regulate, according to the constitution of this state, the general
to be held on the first Monday of October yearly, for delegates to
the general assembly,
are hereby authorised, enjoined and required, to attend, conduct and
the elections herein directed to be held for the purposes aforesaid,
in like
manner, and within the same space of time, as is, by the constitution
of this
state, directed for holding the said general election of delegates;
and the several
powers and authorities to them given by the said constitution, relating
to the
election of delegates to the general assembly, are hereby vested in
the said officers
respectively, for the purpose of holding and conducting the said elections
to be
held in pursuance of the constitution of the United States and this
act. |
Election to be
made on first
Monday in
October, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the election of electors, for the purpose of
choosing the president and vice-president of the United States, shall
be made by
the citizens of this state, qualified to vote for members of the house
of delegates,
in every fourth year for ever after the expiration of the term for
which the president
and vice-president hath been chosen, on such day as the congress of
United States shall hereafter, from time to time, determine and appoint,
at the
places above described for choosing delegates. |
By whom
electors are to
be chosen, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That every judge of an election to be held in pursuance
of this act, before he proceeds to take or receive any vote, shall
take the following
oath, or affirmation, to wit: " I, A. B. do swear, or affirm,
that I will
" permit all persons to vote who shall offer to poll at the election
now to be held
" in _____ county, the city of Annapolis or Baltimore-town, who in
my judgement
" shall, according to the directions contained in the constitution
of the
" United States of America, ratified in convention of the delegates
of Maryland
" on the twenty-eighth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and
" be entitled to poll at the same election and that I will attend at
" polls during the said election, unless in case of sickness, and that
I will not
" admit any person to poll at the same election, if such person shall
not, in my
" judgment, be qualified to vote as aforesaid, and that I will in all
things execute
" the office of judge of the said election according to the best of
my knowledge,
" without favour or partiality. So help me God." |
Oath of judge. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That every clerk, before he enter any vote on the polls,
shall take the following oath, or affirmation, to wit: " I, A.
B. do swear, or |
Oath of clerk. |