JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
out a fair and alphabetical list of every person chargeable with such
assessment, and
shall annex the respective sums to be collected from each person; and
the said
commissioners shall thereupon endorse a warrant, in the nature of a
fieri facias,
directed to the bailiff of the said town, commanding him to make and
levy the
several sums of money annexed to the said list with all convenient
speed, and to
enforce the collection thereof, if necessary, by the seizure and sale
of the goods
and chattels of any person who shall refuse or delay to make payment
of such assessment;
and the said bailiff, within the space of ten days after receiving
any such
list of assessment, shall furnish every person, so chargeable, with
the amount of
his or her assessment, and the same shall be payable to the said bailiff,
by every
such person, within the term of twenty days after rendering such account,
if not then paid, it shall be lawful for the said bailiff, and he is
hereby required,
to proceed to the collection thereof, if necessary, by seizure and
sale of the
goods or chattels of every person refusing or delaying to pay such
and the said bailiff shall account for the amount of such assessment
with the said
commissioners, at or before the end of two months after the receipt
of every such
list of assessment, and pay the sums collected, under the penalty of
ten pounds
current money. |
XIV. |
XXIX. And be
it enacted, That the several penalties and forfeitures which
may be incurred by any person in virtue of this act, shall be recovered
before any
justice of the peace of the said county, upon the complaint and oath,
or affirmation,
f one competent and credible witness, and shall and may be levied by
of the offender in execution to the sheriff of the said county, until
of the penalty and fees, or by process in the nature of a fieri
to the bailiff of the said town, for levying the same by seizure and
sale of the goods
and chattels of the offender; and the fees to the bailiff shall be
the same as are
or may be allowed by law to the sheriffs for executing a writ of fieri
facias; and
the said penalties and forfeitures, and all monies arising by virtue
of this act, shall
be accounted for by the officer or persons collecting or receiving
the same to the
said commissioners, and be applied by them to the repair and support
of the market-house
in the said town, and in providing, ordering and repairing, the scales,
weights and engines, herein before mentioned, or otherwise, in their
to such other purposes as may improve or concern the regulations of
the said
town, and the market thereof, as established by this act. |
How penalties,
&c. are
to be recovered,
&c. |
XXX. And be
it enacted, That the eleventh and fourteenth sections of an act
of assembly, entitled, An act to erect a town in Talbot county, passed
at November
session, in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-five, be respectively,
the same are hereby repealed and made void. |
Part of an act
repealed. |
XXXI. And be
it enacted, That from and after the said first Monday of April,
in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-one, all monies which shall
be paid to
the sheriff of the county aforesaid by any person or persons for licences
to be
thereafter granted to retail spirituous liquors within the limits of
the said town,
according to the act of assembly in such case made and provided, shall
be accounted
for and paid by the said sheriff to the commissioners of the said town
on or before
the first day of October annually, and shall not be otherwise accounted
by the said sheriff, and the same shall be applied by the said commissioners
to the
regulation and improvement of the said town; and the bond of the sheriff
of the
said county for the time being shall be liable to the suit of the said
in case of default in the punctual payment of such monies by the time
as aforesaid for the payment thereof. |
Money received
for licences
to be
paid to commissioners,
&c. |
An ACT for the suppression
of fairs throughout this state. |
Passed December
15. |
WHEREAS many evils arise from the pernicious practice
of hawkers,
pedlers, and idle and disorderly persons, assembling together under
pretence of buying and selling merchandise at fairs, when in truth
said meetings answer no salutary purpose, but generally promote idleness,
drunkenness, |
Preamble. |