JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
V. And be it
enacted, That any justice of the peace for Baltimore county, on
his own view, or information on oath or affirmation of any credible
person, of
any person, not appointed as aforesaid, selling any property at auction
contrary to
this act, may issue his warrant to the sheriff or any constable of
Baltimore county,
to apprehend such person, and oblige him to recognise, with one or
securities, for his good behaviour and appearance at the next general
or county
court, to answer for such offence, and in case of refusal, may commit
such person
to the gaol of Baltimore county until he finds such security; and if
any person
shall, during the continuance of his recognizance, sell any property
at auction
contrary to this act, such selling shall be a breach of his recognizance. |
Justice may
issue his warrant,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the said auctioniers appointed by, or to be appointed
by, virtue of this act, shall be allowed, for their trouble in the
sale at
auction, and for collecting and paying over the money without any deduction
(unless the sale shall be on credit by direction of the owner,) the
following commission,
to wit: For goods, wares or merchandise, at the rate of two and
half per cent. for negroes at the rate of one per cent. for
live stock, household
goods, wearing apprael or furniture, at the rate of five per cent. |
examination. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That the said auctioniers shall pay at the rate of
five shillings for every hundred pounds, on teh amount of all teh sales
by them, to the port wardens of the town of Baltimore, to be applied
by them
towards defraying the expence of cleansing and deepening the bason
of the said
town, and shall once in every three months account to the said wardes,
on oath
or affirmation, to be applied by teh said wardens of Baltimore-town
for the purposes
aforesaid; and the bonds of teh said auctioniers shall be answerable,
may be sued by the said wardens, for any breach in not rendering account,
or in
neglect of payment, as above required. |
Who are to
pay five shillings,
&c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That nothing in this act continued shall prevent the
sheriff, constable or other officer, of Baltmore county, from selling
at auction
any property taken in execution, or distrained for rent, or liable
to be sold by
law, or executors or administrators, as such, from selling the estate
of deceased
persons, in teh same manner as if this act had not been made. |
Sheriffs, &c.
may sell, &c. |
IX. This act to commence on teh first day
of January next, and continue seven
years, and until the end of teh next sesion of assembly which shall
happen thereafter. |
&c. |
An ACT for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors confined n
sundry gaols of this state. |
Passed December
14. |
WHEREAS Leonard Harbaugh, Thomas Yates, John Baxley,
Talbot Risteau and Conrod Appleman, prisoners confined in the gaol
of Baltimore county, Hyland Price, a prisoner confined in teh gaol
Cæcil county, Benjamin Lane, a prisoner confined in teh gaol
of Anne-Arundel
county, Smith Middleton, of Charles count, Quale Charles Christian,
of Talbot
county, William Perkins, of Kent county, and Nathaniel Pigman, of Montgomery
county, by their petitions to this general assembly have set forth,
thqat by
reason of many misfortures they ar unable wholly to satisfy their creditors,
have prayed that they may be discharged from further confinement, upon
delivering up all their property for the use of their creditors; and
the prayer of
the said petitions being found reasonable; therefore, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That in case the said
Leonard Harbaugh, Thomas Yates, John Baxley, John Talbor Risteau, Conrod
Appleman, Hyland Price, Benjamin Lane, Smith Middleton, Quayle Charles
Christian, William Perkins, of Kent county, and Nathaniel Pigman, shall,
some justice of the peace for the county where they reside, make and
subscribe the
following oath, to wit: " I, A. B. do swear, or affirm, that
I will deliver up, convey
" and transfer, to the use of my creditors, all my property, real,
pesonal or |
Certain debtors
released on
making oath,
&c. |