JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
or the value ascertained by a jury as aforesaid, shall be paid out of
the first
money which comes into the hands of the said commissioners in virtue
of this act;
and the said land, when purchased or vested in the justices aforesaid,
by valuation
and payment or tender of the value as aforesaid, shall be bounded with
stones or
posts at each corner thereof, and the plot of the same, with a certificate
and explanation,
shall be recorded among the records of the said county, and the said
land shall be held by the said justices, and their successors for ever,
as public land
for the purposes aforesaid, and other public purposes, for the use
of the said
county, and shall for ever hereafter be called by the name of Denton. |
XI. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or the major part of them,
shall be and they are hereby authorised and required to demand, sue
for, recover
and receive, all monies or tobacco heretofore levied and collected
for the purpose
of building a court-house and gaol in Caroline county, from any person
or persons,
who, by law, are chargeable with the payment of the same, or in whose
hands the same may be, and the said money, when recovered, to apply
to the
purposes of paying for the said land, and building a court-house and
public gaol
thereon, and defraying all necessary charges and expences incident
thereto; which
said court-house and gaol the said commissioners, or the major part
of them, are
hereby authorised, directed and required, to agree and contract with
a workman
or workmen to erect, build, and in a workmanlike manner complete and
on the said land, when purchased or otherwise vested as aforesaid in
the justices
aforesaid. |
to demand
money, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That after the building and finishing of the said court-house
to be built as aforesaid, Caroline county court shall be held in such
court-house, according to the practice and usage of other county courts,
and such
new court-house and gaol shall be used, taken, held and deemed, to
be the proper
court-house and gaol of Caroline county. |
Court to be
held in new
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That from and after the fifteenth day of January next,
until the said new court-house shall be finished, the several courts,
elections and
other public business, directed by law to be held at the seat of justice
in Caroline
county, shall be held in such place, at Pig Point aforesaid, as the
justices and
judges of said courts and elections may think most convenient; such
house or
building to be procured and erected by the said justices at the expence
of the inhabitants
of said county, and paid for in like manner as other public charges
of the
said county. |
Courts, &c. to
be held at Pig
Point, &c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That the clerk of Caroline county court for the time
being, shall, at some convenient time before the first day of March
next, remove,
or cause to be removed, from Melville's Warehouse, all the books, rolls,
and other records, belonging to the said county court, to Pig Point
aforesaid, and
those safely deposit, keep, and preserve the same in some convenient
house; and
the justices of the said court shall direct and cause a list of all
the said records and
books to be signed by the clerk of the said county, and entered upon
record among
the proceedings of said county. |
Clerk to remove
&c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That if after the said court-house and gaol shall be
built and erected as aforesaid, any of the money or tobacco, by this
act directed
ti be recovered or received by the said commissioners, shall remain
in their hands
unexpended in the erection of the said buildings, and other expences
and incidental thereto, the same shall be applied towards defraying
the expences
of the said county. |
How money
shall be applied,
&c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That so much of any act or acts of assembly, heretofore
made, as direct the fixing the seat of justice for Caroline county
at or near
Melville's Warehouse, or the erecting and building a court-house and
prison for
the said county at or near the said place, be and they are hereby repealed. |
Parts of former
laws repealed,
&c. |