JOHN EAGER HOWARD, Esquire, Governor.
his male heirs; with such conditions, limitations and remainders, upon
the said
devises, as, in the will of the said Charles Ridgely, is expressed,
limited and appointed:
And whereas the said Charles Ridgely, deceased, did also, by his said
will, direct, that in case he should die without issue, his said nephew
Ridgely Carnan, and Charles, the son of the said Charles Ridgely Carnan,
on his death, should taken upon themselves, and each of them bear the
names and surnames of Charles Ridgely, and their male descendants bear
and be
called by the surname of Ridgely; and that Charles Goodwin, the son
of William
Goodwin, Charles Goodwin, the son of Lyde Goodwin, and Charles Sterett,
son of John Sterett, should respectively take upon themselves, and
each of them
should take and bear, the names of Ridgely; and that application should
be made
to the general assembly for an act for that purpose, as appears to
this general assembly
by the will of the said Charles Ridgely: Therefore, |
X. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and
may be lawful for the said Charles Ridgely Carnan, and his said son
Charles, and
for each of them, to take upon himself and themselves the name and
surname of
Charles Ridgely, in the stead of their present names and surnames,
and also for
the male descendants of the said Charles Ridgely Carnan, and of his
said son
Charles, to take upon himself and themselves the surname of Ridgely,
and also
to use and bear the coat of arms and armorial bearings of the family
of Ridgely;
and the name of the said Charles Ridgely Carnan shall be and is hereby
and altered into the name of Charles Ridgely; and the said Charles
Carnan, and their heirs male of his body, shall, at all times hereafter,
be called
by, and hold and use, the surname of Ridgely only; and that the said
Ridgely Carnan be from henceforth called by the name of Charles Ridgely;
that the name of Charles Carnan, son of the said Charles Ridgely Carnan,
be and is hereby changed and altered into the name of Charles Ridgely;
and the
said Charles Carnan, and the heirs male of his body, shall, at all
times hereafter,
be called by, and hold and use, the surname of Ridgely only; and that
the said
Charles Carnan be from henceforth called by the name of Charles Ridgely. |
C. R. Carnan,
&c. to take the
name of C.
Ridgely, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Charles
Goodwin, son of William Goodwin, Charles Goodwin, the son of Lyde Goodwin,
and Charles Sterett, the son of John Sterett, and for each of them,
to take
upon himself and themselves the name and surname of Charles Ridgely,
in the
stead of their present names and surnames, and also for the male descendants
the said Charles Goodwin, son of William Goodwin, Charles Goodwin,
son of
Lyde Goodwin, and Charles Sterett, son of John Sterett, to take upon
and themselves the surname of Ridgely; and the names of the said Charles
son of William Goodwin, Charles Goodwin, son of Lyde Goodwin, and
Charles Sterett, shall be and they are hereby respectively changed
and altered into
the name of Charles Ridgely; and the said Charles Goodwin, son of WIlliam
Goodwin, Charles Goodwin, son of Lyde Goodwin, and Charles Sterett,
their male descendants, shall, from henceforth, be respectively called
by, and
take, use and hold, the surname of Ridgely only. |
C. Goodwin,
&c. to take
the name of
Ridgely, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That all securities, promises, contracts, assurances,
deeds, and lawful acts whatsoever, heretofore made, or hereafter to
be made, by or
to the said Charles Ridgely Carnan, or his said son Charles, or by
or to the said
Charles Goodwin, son of William Goodwin, Charles Goodwin, son of Lyde
Goodwin, or Charles Sterett, or either of them, by the name and surname
Charles Ridgely, shall be of the same force and effect, and equally
avail, to all
intents and purposes, as if the name and surname of Charles Ridgely
had been the
true and proper name and surname of the said Charles Ridgely Carnan,
and his
son Charles, and of the said Charles Goodwin, son of William Goodwin,
Goodwin, son of Lyde Goodwin, and Charles Sterett, and of each of them,
their birth; any law, statute or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding. |
&c. heretofore
taken to be of
effect, &c. |