of MARYLAND, begun and held at the
city of
ANNAPOLIS on Monday the first of November, and
ended the twenty-second day of December,
in the
year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
ninety, the following LAWS were enacted:
Governor. |
An ACT to enable the judges of the court of appeals to continue
certain causes now depending before them. |
Passed December
14. |
WHEREAS in consequence of the sitting of the general
court at the
same time when the court of appeals, by law, was appointed to be
held last June, certain causes, then before the said court of appeals
for argument, could not then be heard, and the session of the general
court at the time to which the said court of appeals was adjourned for
the argument
of the causes, prevented the counsel employed therein from attending the
said court; which causes cannot, by the present laws, be continued any
longer; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it therefore
enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
judges of the court of appeals shall have full power to continue all causes
unto the
next court to be held on the second Tuesday of November, instant, which
been removed to the court of appeals on bills of exception, special verdict,
where special errors have been assigned; but not such cases as they shall
reason to believe were removed to the said court for delay only. |
Judges may
causes, &c. |
An ACT to make valid certain certificates of survey of lands
formerly in Washington but now
in Allegany county. |
Passed December
14. |
WHEREAS before the passage of the act of November
session, seventeen
hundred and eighty-nine, entitled, An at for the division of Washington
county, and for erecting a new one by the name of Allegany,
several warrants had issued out of the office, and remained in the hands
of the surveyor
of Washington county for execution on lands lying in that part of the said
county which was, by the act before recited, erected into and constituted
county by the name of Allegany, and the surveyor of the said county
of Washington
proceeded to execute the same, conceiving it his duty, notwithstanding
division of the county as aforesaid; and as it will be attended with great
and expence to the parties interested, and, in some instances, subject
to the risk of losing their land, without the aid of the legislature, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all certificates
of survey made by the surveyor of Washington county, under warrants obtained
before the passage of the act of November session, seventeen hundred
and eighty-nine,
entitled, An act for the division of Washington county, and for erecting
new one by the name of Allegany, of lands lying in Allegany county, may
returned to the western shore land-office, and shall be, by the register
received and filed, and considered, to all intents and purposes, as good
and effectual
as if made by the surveyor of Allegany county. |
Certain certificates
may be
returned, &c. |