brother, brother's daughter's husband, sister's daughter's husband,
brother's son. husband's sister's son; shall be and hereby is repealed
made void; and all marriages heretofore made and celebrated by and
persons related within any of said degrees of affinity mentioned
in this act, are hereby confirmed and made valid in law, to all intents
purposes, from the time of the celebration of such marriages respectively;
and all penalties and forfeitures which may have been incurred under
said act, by any marriage within any of the said degrees of affinity,
are hereby
released and discharged, and the parties from the same for ever acquitted;
and no penalties shall hereafter be incurred under the said act in
of any marriage within any of the said degrees of affinity herein
before mentioned, but such marriage shall be good, sufficient and valid
in law. |
An ACT to enable any of the United States to prosecute
actions in any court of law or equity against any
person residing
within this state. |
Passed Mar. 2. |
BE it further enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That any of
the United States shall be considered and recognised in this state a
body politic and corporate, for the purpose of commencing and
prosecuting any action in any court of law or equity in this state, by
name corporate and politic, which such state assumed on the establishment
of its government, against any person residing within this state, upon
whom such state shall or may have any claim or demand; in which suit
the same proceedings shall be had, and there shall be the same right of
appeal as in other cases; provided that some citizen of this state shall
answerable by rule of the court in which such suit shall be brought,
for payment of costs on behalf of such state, in case judgment or decree
be rendered or given against such state. |
U. States considered
as a
body politic,
&c. |
An ACT to enable John Eager Howard and George Lux, of
Baltimore county, to grant and convey to the commissioners
of Batlimore-town, and their successors, a parcel of
adjoining the said town, for the purposes therein mentioned. |
Passed Mar. 2. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the
petition of sundry inhabitants of Baltimore-town, that John
Eager Howard and George Lux have voluntarily offered to
give and grant to the commissioners of Baltimore-town and their successors,
in fee simple, a parcel of ground contiguous to the said town, for the
purpose of a burying ground for strangers and others who shall hereafter
depart this life in the said town, provided the leave of the legislature
should be obtained for that purpose; and this general assembly being desirous
of promoting the laudable and pious purposes of the said petition,
have granted leave accordingly: Therefore, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
commissioners of Baltimore-town, as a body politic, shall have full power
and authority, to take and receive a grant from John Eager Howard and
George Lux, for the said parcel of ground, to them and their successors
for ever hereafter, in trust for the intent and purpose that the said
of ground shall, under such regulations and restrictions as the commissioners
of the sid town shall from time to time adopt, be used and occupied
as a place of common interment for strangers, poor people and negroes,
who shall die in the said town, and for no other purpose, |
may receive
a grant,
&c. |