purchased or acquired from or under any foreigners who have naturalized
according to the provisions of the said original act. |
Proviso. |
IV. Provided
nevertheless, That the said foreigners respectively, before they
shall receive the benefit of this act, shall naturalize themselves in the
mode prescribed
by the original act, on or before the first day of June next ensuing, any
law to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. |
Proviso. |
V. And provided
also, That no applications, within the period limited by
this act, to prejudice the rights of the said respective foreigners, or
others, shall
be admitted or received. |
Acts to be
printed, &c. |
VI. And,
in order to carry the good intentions as well of this as of the said
original act into complete execution, Be
it further enacted, by the authority
aforesaid, That the governor and council shall and they are hereby
requested to
cause the said respective acts to be printed and published in the several
within this state for the space of six weeks, after the end of this session
of assembly, in the English, French, and German languages, and shall also
cause the said original act to be published in like manner, for the space
of two
weeks, in the month of May in every year hereafter. |
Passed December
25. |
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act for building
a new court-house and gaol in Queen-Anne's county, and
for other purposes. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that the commissioners
appointed by an act, entitled, A Supplement to an act for
building a new court-house and gaol for Queen-Anne's county, and
for other purposes, have not accepted the trust reposed in them by
the said supplementary
act, but have declined the execution thereof; and that Elizabeth
Nicholson, the proprietess of the land mentioned in the said act, has agreed
relinquish the purchase of a parcel of ground, heretofore made from her
by former
commissioners, for the purposes aforesaid; and that any quantity, not exceeding
two acres, may be laid off for the said purposes on her land, on a hill
or rising at
her outer gate, and adjoining the main road leading from Chester Mill to
Church Hill, in the said county, and where the road from Corsica warehouse
the aforesaid main road. |
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Messieurs
Richard Tilghman, Henry Pratt, Robert Walters, Samuel Earle and Solomon
Clayton, shall be commissioners for the purposes in this act mentioned,
and they,
or a majority of them, are hereby authorised and require to contract
for materials,
and with workmen, or to treat and agree with undertakers, to build and
finish in a neat, strong, substantial and workman-like manner, the said
and prison; and that the said commissioners, or a majority of them, have
and are vested with, in virtue hereof, all the power and authority of the
commissioners unexecuted by them under the original act aforesaid. |
Money to be
paid to commissioners,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the several sums of money, when respectively
collected under the aforesaid supplementary act, and any that may have
been received
in virtue thereof, shall be paid by the sheriff to the commissioners appointed
by this act, or the major part of them, or their order or orders; which
commissioners, or the majority of them, are hereby authorised and required
receive and apply the same to the uses and purposes of this act. |
Purchase declared
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the aforesaid purchase of the said parcel of
ground heretofore made by the said former commissioners from the said Elizabeth
Nicholson, and all contracts and agreements entered into by them with her
relative to the same, shall be and is hereby declared to be null and
void; and that
the said commissioners appointed by this act, or a majority of them, shall
have |