And to return
the commission,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or any three of them,
shall and they are hereby required to return to the said court of chancery
the said
commission when executed, with a plot and certificate, signed by them,
or any
three of them, of the said land, and the partition and several allotments
thereof, and thereupon, if there shall be no just cause shewn to the
contrary by
either of the said to the suit aforesaid, to the satisfaction of the chancellor
of this state for the time being, the said chancellor may confirm the said
of the said commissioners, and decree such partition to remain firm and
between the said parties; and the said Charles Carroll, his heirs and
assigns, shall thenceforth hold and possess the said part allotted and
assigned to
him of the tract or parcel of land aforesaid, in fee-simple, in severalty,
and in
full satisfaction and discharge of all right, title, interest and claim,
in law and
equity, that he the said Charles Carroll hath or may have in or to the
said tract
or parcel of land called Bohemia Manor, under or in virtue of any deed
or conveyance
from the said Joseph Ensor, deceased. |
In case of
death, chancellor
to appoint,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That in case of the death of either or both of the said
commissioners so to be appointed by the chancellor of this state, before
the said
partition is completed, or their or either of their refusing to act, that
chancellor shall be and he is hereby empowered to nominate and appoint
commissioner or commissioners to act in the place and stead of such person
persons so dying or refusing to act as aforesaid, who shall have the same
and authority, in all respects, as the person or persons so dying or refusing
to act
as commissioner would have had if he or they had proceeded to make and
the said partition agreeably to the true intent and meaning hereof. |
Proviso. |
VI. Provided
always, That in case any creditor or creditors of the said Joseph
Ensor, deceased, shall pay and satisfy to the said Charles Carroll, his
executors, administrators or assigns, the principal sum of money and interest
on the said mortgage, within twelve months after the date of the said decree,
that such creditor or creditors shall be entitled to an assignment of the
said mortgage
from the said Charles Carroll, his heirs or assigns, and all his right
and title
under and in virtue thereof and of this act, and agreeably thereto, to
the said tract
or parcel of land called Bohemia Manor. |
Proviso. |
VII. Provided
always, That nothing herein contained shall be taken or
deemed to extend to have any operation or effect, in law or equity, on
the right,
title or claim, in any manner, of any person or persons whatsoever, other
the said Charles Carroll, to the said tract or parcel of land called Bohemia
or to any part thereof. |
Proviso. |
VIII. And provided
always, That this act shall not take effect until the consent
of the said Peter Lawson be first had in writing, and filed in the chancery
court. |
Passed December
19. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the removal of the seat
of justice from Charles-town to the Head of Elk, in
Cæcil county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that the money
directed by the act aforesaid to be levied in Cæcil county, for the
erection of a court-house, public prison and yard, has not been sufficient
to complete the same, |
Justices to levy
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices
of Cæcil county shall and are hereby authorised, directed and required,
to assess
and levy on the taxable inhabitants of said county, at the time of laying
the public
levy, a sum not exceeding eight hundred pounds current money, that
is to
say, four hundred pounds annually for two years, for the purpose of completing
the public buildings and yard aforesaid; which said assessments to be made
levied as aforesaid, shall be collected by the sheriff of said county in
the same |