hands of the said commissioners, the sum of eighteen pounds eighteen
and nine-pence sterling, which was to be applied in discharge of such
land, for
which a certificate was thereafter to be returned: And whereas
it also appears,
that the said Benjamin did afterwards obtain a certificate, in consequence
of his
said contract with the commissioners aforesaid, called Benjamin's Hills
and Vallies,
containing five hundred and thirty acres, of which only four hundred
twenty-three acres were reserve, and chargeable in account against
him with
the said commissioners, the residue being patented land, which certificate
never filed with the commissioners, and consequently the excess or
surplus not
charged in their books: And whereas also the said certificate
hath not yet been
examined and a patent issued thereon, and it is thought reasonable
that relief
should be granted to the said Benjamin, and that patent should be granted
him for the aforesaid last mentioned land, which he cannot obtain under
the late
act of the session in November, seventeen hundred and eighty-four,
because no
statement of his account was left with the treasurer; |
II. Be it therefore
enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That on
the said certificate being examined and passed by the examiner-general,
the treasurer
of the western shore of Maryland be authorised and required to state
settle an account with the said Benjamin, and to receive the balance
which may
be due from the said Benjamin, or from John Merryman, trustee of the
Benjamin, and on the payment thereof that a patent shall be granted
for the
same to the said John Merryman in trust for the several uses and trusts
in a deed executed by the said Benjamin to the said John Merryman some
time in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, and that
balance as shall be due and received by the treasurer as aforesaid,
shall be applied
as in the aforesaid act directed. |
On certificate
being examined,
to state an account,
&c. |
III. And be
it also enacted, That if the said certificate should prove erroneous,
the surveyor of Baltimore county is hereby authorised and required
to amend and
correct the same, and return the said certificate, bearing its original
date, to the
register of the land-office, and the same proceedings shall and may
be had on
the same as if a warrant from the land-office had originally issued
for the same,
saving nevertheless to all other persons and bodies politic and corporate
several and respective rights. |
If erroneous,
to be amended,
&c. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the relief of certain
purchasers of confiscated property. |
Passed December
19. |
Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That all persons similarly
circumstanced with certain purchasers of confiscated lands in Cæcil
county, known by the name of the Nottingham Lot Lands and the
Welch Tract, and described by the original act, lying formerly within
the temporary
line of Pennsylvania, and now included within the limits of the state
Maryland, shall have the same relief as is given to said purchasers
by the act
aforesaid. |
Persons similarly
have the same
relief, &c. |
II. And,
whereas it appears necessary to give a further time to the persons intended
to be relieved by this and the original act to have their claims investigated
by the chancellor, Be it enacted,
That all proceedings shall be stayed
against such persons as purchasers of said lands, and included in the
former act,
until the twentieth day of March next, and against such persons as
purchasers of
such property so circumstanced, and intended to be relieved by this
act, until the
tenth day of June next, and the same additional time is hereby given
to any person
or persons interested in the lands comprehended in this act to exhibit
his or
their petition to the chancellor, to obtain an investigation of their
respective rights
or titles, in the manner provided in the said original act, and according
to the
true intention thereof. |
All proceedings
&c. |