her the said Barbara Hall, colonel Thomas Sprigg and Thomas Belt, executors
of said will, and did direct his executors to convey certain lands sold
to sundry
persons in his life-time, as by said will does appear; that colonel Thomas
and Thomas Belt have declined to act in the premises as executors of teh
will; and that the said Barbara Hall is not authorised to make the conveyances
aforesaid, and hath prayed that an act may pass, giving her, in this respect,
solely to execute the will of the said deceased, which appears to this
assembly to be reasonable: |
III. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said Barbara
Hall be and she is hereby authorised and empowered to make, execute and
acknowledge, good and sufficient deeds of conveyances in law to the respective
purchaser or purchasers in the will aforesaid mentioned, or their legal
in fee-simple, on the purchase money being secured to be paid according
to the directions of the said will, as fully and amply as if she the said
Hall had been originally appointed sole executrix of the said will; and
that the
said deeds so made, executed and acknowledged, shall be as good and
available in
law as if she the said Barbara Hall had been in the said will nominated
executrix. |
B. Hall to execute
&c. |
An ACT for the relief of William Robertson, of Montgomery,
Robert Amos, junior, of Harford county. |
Passed December
19. |
WHEREAS William Robertson, of Montgomery county,
by his petition
to this general assembly, hath set forth, that he was appointed
collector of the sinking fund tax in the said county for the year
seventeen hundred and eighty-nine, and that he never received a list of
from the commissioners until the thirteenth of October last: And
whereas Robert
Amos, junior, collector of the said sinking fund tax in Harford county,
his petition to this general assembly, hath set forth, that he hath never
a list of assessment from the commissioners of said county; by reason
they have been prevented from completing their collections of teh said
agreeably to law, and have prayed a further time to enable them to complete
the same; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That no proceedings
shall be had or commenced in behalf of this state on the collectors bonds
of the
said William Robertson, or the said Robert Amos, junior, until the first
of April next; and that teh said William Robertson and Robert Amos, junior,
be allowed until that time to complete their said collections. |
No proceedings
to be
&c. |
An ACT for the preservation of the breed of wild deer, and for
other purposes therein mentioned. |
Passed December
19. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall not be
lawful for any person or persons whatsoever to shoot, or otherwise kill
destroy, wild deer, except from the fifteenth of September to the fifteenth
of December yearly, under the penalty of five pounds for every deer so
killed or
destroyed, to be recovered in the county court of the county where the
said offence
shall be committed, by indictment or information, one half of which said
sum of
five pounds shall be applied to th euse of the county, and the other
half to be received
by the person who shall make information thereof. |
Deer not to be
killed, &c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That any person or persons whatsoever, in whose hands
or custody any deer's flesh, or deer's skin or skins, shall be fund, that
shall appear
to have been killed at any other time except betwen teh said fifteenth
of September
and the fifteenth of December yearly, shall be deemed, taken and adjudged,
the killer or destroyer of such deer, and liable to the penalty aforesaid,
unless such
person or persons shall make it appear who it was that really killed the
same, or |
Persons having
deers flesh
considered as
the killer, &c. |