RESOLUTIONS assented to
William Good, be appointed for Washington county; Messieurs Edward Burgess,
Benjamin Canada Stoddert and Samuel Thomas, the third, be appointed
for Montgomery county; and that Messieurs John Hall, Brice Worthington
Gabriel Duvall, be and they are hereby appointed to report as aforesaid
the state
of the records and office papers of the general court for the western shore,
land office, prerogative office and chancery office; and that Richard Tilghman,
(Talbot) Nicholas Hammond and Howes Goldsborough, be and they are hereby
appointed to report as aforesaid the state of the records and office papers
of the
general court for the eastern shore.
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, that
Samuel Thomas, late
collector of the taxes in Talbot county, and William Banks, late collector
taxes in Caroline county, have paid to the treasurer of the eastern shore
the full
amount of all taxes to be by them collected in their respective counties,
prior to
the year seventeen hundred and eighty-seven; therefore, RESOLVED, That
against the said Samuel Thomas and William Banks, for all and every
part of the interest due on the arrearages of the said taxes, be and they
are hereby
suspended until the end of the next session of the general assembly.
WHEREAS the original agreement between the proprietors
of Pennsylvania
and Maryland, with the decree of the chancellor of Great-Britain for settling
the lines between the said proprietors, which are contained in six
sheets of parchment,
and have been produced to this house, RESOLVED, That they be lodged
in the land office of this state, and be there recorded among the land
and after being recorded, that they be deposited with the governor and
to be safely kept.
RESOLVED, That the sum of three hundred ninety-four
pounds five shillings
and ten-pence half-penny, due (as appears on the journal of accounts) from
this state to Queen-Anne's county, be applied to the use of the poor of,
erecting a prison for, said county, under the acts, entitled, An act
for the relief
of the poor in Queen-Anne's county, An act for building a new court-house
and gaol in Queen-Anne's county, and for other purposes therein mentioned,
an act, entitled, A supplement to an act for building a new court-house
and gaol
in Queen-Anne's county, and for other purposes; and that the justices of
peace for the said county, in court sitting, at their next March court,
be and are
hereby authorised and required to determine and direct the proportions
in which
the said sum shall be applied to the above purposes.
RESOLVED, That the commissioners of the poor for
the said county be and
are hereby authorised and empowered to draw upon the treasury of the western
shore for such part of the above sum of money as shall be appointed by
the justices
aforesaid, for the use of their said poor, and to apply the same in such
as they may judge most proper for promoting and carrying into effect the
purposes of the said laws relative to that subject; and that the commissioners
building a court-house and prison for the said county, be and are hereby
and empowered to draw upon the said treasury in such part of said sum of
three hundred ninety-four pounds five shillings and ten-pence half-penny,
as shall
be appointed by the justices aforesaid for erecting a prison for the said
county, and
to apply the same in building the said prison.