the said sum of money has already been collected from the people thereof,
same shall not again be levied and collected, and if it shall appear
to them that
any part thereof hath been collected, the balance only shall be laid
and collected
in virtue of this act; and provided also, that if the money directed
to be levied
on the inhabitants of Harford county should be more than sufficient
to complete
the said buildings, the surplus shall be applied in aid of the county
charges. |
Passed December
22. |
An ACT for the relief of John Booth, and for confirming his
title in certain lands therein named. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that Bartholomew
Booth, late of Washington county, died seized in fee-simple of a
certain tract of land, situate in the same county, called Delamere,
containing seventeen hundred acres, or thereabouts, which, upon the
death of
the said Bartholomew, descended to his eldest son William, who executed
bond to convey the one moiety thereof to his brother Robert Booth,
which said
Robert Booth, by his last will and testament, bequeathed five hundred
current money to Priscilla, his wife, and also devised to the said
Priscilla one
moiety or half part of his real estate during her natural life, on
the contingency
expressed in said will, which hath since happened: And whereas
there is good
reason to believe, that the said William and Robert Booth perished
at sea on their
passage to Europe, leaving the said lands, by their several last wills,
charged with
the payment of sundry debts and legacies: And whereas the said
John Booth,
brother of the said William and Robert, heretofore residing in Great-Britain,
hath lately taken the oath of naturalization, and become a citizen
of this state,
and hath, by his petition, requested, that the title to the said lands
might be declared
and confirmed to him by an act of the legislature, with such reservation,
and on such conditions, as to them shall seem right: And whereas
this general
assembly have consented to release and give up to the said John Booth
all the
right, title, estate, interest and claim, of the state of Maryland,
of, in and to,
the said tract of land, upon his the said John Booth's securing the
payment of
all the debts due from his father, Bartholomew Booth, and each of his
William and Robert Booth, and the several legacies bequeathed by the
said Bartholomew,
William and Robert Booth, to the creditors and legatees of the said
Bartholomew, WIlliam and Robert Booth, and also the sum of fourteen
pounds current money, agreed to be paid by the said John Booth to Alexander
Robinson and Priscilla his wife, in lieu of the legacy aforesaid of
hundred pounds from the said Robert Booth to the said Priscilla, and
also in lieu
and satisfaction of all the interest, estate, right, title, claims
and demands, of
the said Alexander Robinson and Priscilla his wife, and either of them,
to the
respective estates, both real and personal, of the said Bartholomew,
William and
Robert Booth, and of each of them, in America; |
J. Booth invested
with all
right, &c. |
II. Be it therefore
enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
said John Booth, and his heirs, shall be invested with all the right, title,
claim and estate, of the state of Maryland, of, in and to, the said tract
of land
called Delamere, with the privileges and appertenances thereto belonging,
or in
anywise appertaining, after the said John Booth shall have passed his bond
to the
state of Maryland, in the penalty of eight thousand pounds current money,
such security as the orphans court of Washington county shall approve,
for his the said John Booth's paying and satisfying all and every of the
creditors and legatees, (except the legacy of five hundred pounds bequeathed
Robert Booth to the said Priscilla) of the said Bartholomew, William and
Booth, and each of them, their several and respective claims, and also
said Alexander Robinson and Priscilla his wife, the aforesaid sum of fourteen
hundred pounds current money, in manner and form following, to wit, at
expiration of three years from the fifteenth day of December, instant,
and also
the interest thereof annually, as stipulated by the bond of the said John
to Alexander Robinson, bearing date the said fifteenth day of December,
hundred and eighty-eight, saving and reserving nevertheless to the
said William |