other officers by them to be appointed in pursuance of this act, at
their discretion,
and to choose others in their place and stead. |
XV. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That the said trustees, or the major part of them, shall,
and they are hereby directed and enjoined to meet at the alms and work-house
the said county four times in the year, to wit, in the first week in January,
May, August and November, or oftener, if it should by them be deemed necessary,
to make and ordain, by a majority of votes of such as may be present, all
good and wholesome ordinances, rules and by-laws, as they shall think convenient
and necessary of the direction, government and support, of such alms
and work-house; and also for the maintenance and employment of all
such poor
persons as shall be taken under their care, and of all vagrants, beggars,
vagabonds, and other offenders, that shall be committed thereto by virtue
this act; all which ordinances, rules and by-laws, shall be, from time
to time,
inviolably observed by all persons concerned, according to the tenor and
thereof. |
And meet
four times in
the year, &c. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That the said overseer shall keep a fair and regular
list of all poor, and of all beggars, vagabonds, and other offenders, who
shall be committed to the said alms and work-house; and also fair and
accounts in writing of all materials, and other things, coming to his hands
overseer aforesaid, and of all expences and charges attending their maintenance
and support, and of all monies received by him for the sale of the produce
their labour, and otherwise, as overseer aforesaid, and shall lay the said
lists and
accounts before the trustees, or the major part of them, at their meetings
at the
times by this act directed, or oftener, if by them required. |
Overseer to
keep a fair list
of all poor,
&c. |
XV. And be it
enacted, That the said overseer may compel and oblige any
of the said poor, beggars, vagrants and vagabonds, or other offenders,
in his
alms and work-house, if of sufficient ability, to work and labour, and
the produce
of their labour he is hereby directed and empowered to appropriate
to and
for the use of the said poor, beggars, vagrants and vagabonds, and other
in his alms and work-house, or to sell the same, and apply the money
arising from such sale to their maintenance and support. |
And may
compel them
to work, &c. |
XVI. And be
it enacted, That upon complaint made, that any person, from
his or her disorderly conduct, gives disturbance to his or her neighbourhood,
is likely to become chargeable to said county, it shall and may be lawful
any one magistrate of the said county, if upon hearing the party he shall
the complaint to be well founded, to commit such disorderly person, residing
within the said county, to the said work-house, for any time not exceeding
months, unless he or she shall find security at the discretion of the magistrate
aforesaid, in any sum not exceeding ten pounds current money, for his or
good behaviour during the space of six months; and also upon complaint
due proof made by the overseer of the said alms and work-house to any one
trustee, that any person in the said work-house hath behaved and demeaned
him or
herself in a disorderly manner, or hath refused or neglected to obey,
keep and observe,
any of the ordinances, rules and by-laws, of the said corporation, to order
direct such moderate and proper correction, not exceeding ten lashes for
any one
offence, to be given to such offender, as the nature of the case may require. |
persons may
be committed,
&c. |
XVII. And be
it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any of
the said trustees to direct and appoint, under their hand in writing, what
shall be received into such alms and work-house; and it shall and may be
for any one justice of the peace for said county, and for any person authorised
and appointed by such justice, to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended,
committed to the said work-house, any vagrants, vagabonds, beggars, and
idle, dissolute, and disorderly persons, found loitering or residing in
the said
county, who follow no labour, trade, occupation or business, and have no
means of subsistence, whereby to acquire an honest livelihood, there to
be kept |
Trustees to
direct what
poor shall be
received, &c. |