Justices to
grant relief,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That any three of
the justices of Baltimore county aforesaid be and they are hereby required
directed, upon the petition of the said James Hawkins, to grant unto
him the
like relief as by the laws of this state is provided and enacted for
insolvent debtors
who are confined for debts not exceeding two hundred pounds sterling. |
And proceed
to a former
act, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the justices aforesaid, or any two of them, upon
such petition being made to them, and without any further notice, by
the said
James Hawkins, for his discharge aforesaid, shall thereupon proceed
in all things
conformable to the purport, true intent and meaning, of the act for
the relief of
insolvent debtors not exceeding two hundred pounds sterling, excepting
as to the
notice, and that his discharge be equally valid and effectual, and
the proceedings
of the said justices equally good and binding, to all intents and purposes
whatsoever. |
Passed December
22. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the relief of disabled
and maimed officers, soldiers, marines and seamen. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS considerable inconvenience has attended
the payment of
money due the invalid and maimed soldiers and marines of this
state, entitled to half pay under the act of October session, seventeen
hundred and seventy-eight; |
Justices may
draw quarterly,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
the orphans court are hereby authorised and empowered to draw quarterly
on the
collectors of the public taxes in their several counties for such pay
or allowance
as men of the above description are entitled to, and that said collectors
pay such
orders agreeably, for which they shall have due credit given them by
the treasurers
of the western and eastern shores, as the case may be; and in case
the said collectors
on whom the draught may be made, shall not, at the time of said draughts,
have in their hands or possession a sufficient sum of money to discharge
the same,
that in such case the justices of the orphans courts, in such counties
where such
sums shall not be paid, may draw on the treasury of their respective
shores for
said allowance, which shall be paid as in the manner directed in the
law passed
for that purpose. |
Passed December
22. |
An ACT for the benefit of Jehu Bowen, a late officer in the continental
army. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, by
the petition of Jehu
Bowen, late lieutenant in the Maryland line of the continental army,
that he did, in the service of his country, when he bore the commission
of ensign, receive a wound, which has rendered him incapable, in a
degree, from being able to gain a livelihood: And whereas this
general assembly
are sensible of his service, and willing to contribute to his future
ease and happiness; |
J. Bowen entitled
to pay,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said Jehu
Bowen be and is hereby entitled to the same pay and provision, as ensign,
as other
officers are entitled to in virtue of an act of assembly, entitled,
An act for the
relief of certain maimed and disabled officers, made and passed at
November session,
seventeen hundred and eighty-five; and that the said Jehu Bowen be
entitled to the same provision, as ensign, as if he had been specially
therein. |
To be charged
to the U.
States. |
III. And be
it enacted, That every sum of money paid to the said Jehu
Bowen in virtue of this act, be charged by the treasurer of the western
shore to
the United States. |