VII. |
and hath sold, and does still continue to sell, lower than any of the
importers of
that article, but such is the heavy and necessary expence attending
the same manufactory,
and difficulty of obtaining cash for his glass equal to his great and
disbursements, that it will be impracticable for him to continue that
valuable undertaking without the aid of the legislature, and prayed
an advance
of one thousand pounds on loan from the public, to secure the payment
which in a reasonable time, he will give undoubted security, and a
grant of an
immunity from taxes for six years in addition to the four years given
by the naturalization
act: And whereas the general assembly are deeply impressed with
the propriety of affording every aid and support in their power to
attempts of such
utility; |
and council
to draw an
order, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the governor
and council be and they are hereby requested, to draw an order on Margaret
Fisher, executrix of Adam Fisher, deceased, late collector of taxes in
county for the year seventeen hundred and eighty-five, in favour of the
said John
Frederick Amelung, for the sum of five thousand pounds, payable on demand,
and one other of the like tenor, and for the like sum, in favour of the
said John
Frederick Amelung, on Thomas Beatty, collector of taxes in said county
the year seventeen hundred and eighty-six, on the said John Frederick Amelung's
giving bond to the state, with such security as shall be approved by the
and council, for the payment of the said sums of money into the treasury
in the
following manner, viz. five hundred pounds in there years from the date
of such
bond, and the other five hundred pounds in four years from the date thereof;
and on the said orders being produced by the said John Frederick Amelung,
any person on his behalf, to the said Margaret Fisher and Thomas Beatty,
shall respectively pay the same as speedily as may be, and when paid
they shall
respectively have credit therefor, or for so much as shall be paid, in
their account
with the public. |
No tax shall
be imposed,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That no tax shall be imposed on the said John Frederick
Amelung, or his property, nor shall he be liable to pay any taxes,
for the
space of six years from the time when the immunity from taxes to which
he is
entitled under the naturalization act shall expire. |
Passed May
26. |
An ACT for the
relief of David Jones and Elizabeth his wife. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS David Jones and Elizabeth Jones, of Kent
county, have,
by their petition to this general assembly, set forth, that the said David
Jones was formerly married to a certain Mary Errickson, who is
since dead, sister to Elizabeth, the petitioner; that in the month of December
last, the petitioners, being ignorant of the law which prohibits a man
to marry
his wife's sister, were married, and have since been informed that the
said marriage
is void, and they liable to pay a very heavy fine; and prayed that an act
might pass, declaring their said marriage to be valid, and relieving them
from any
penalty they may have incurred by disobeying the act concerning marriages;
this general assembly, influenced by the circumstances of the said petitioners
are disposed to grant the prayer of the said petition; |
Marriage declared
to be
good, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said marriage,
had and celebrated between the said David Jones and Elizabeth, the petitioners,
shall be, and it is hereby declared to be, good, valid and effectual, to
intents and purposes whatsoever, and that any issue of the said marriage
shall be, and
they are hereby declared to be, legitimate in the same manner as if the
said marriage
had not bee contrary to law; and the said petitioners shall be and they
hereby relieved and discharged from all the pains and penalties inflicted
by the
aforesaid act on persons intermarrying contrary thereto, any thing
in the said act,
or any other law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding. |