Caroline county, made at a session of assembly begun and held at the
city of Annapolis
the tenth day of April, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, be and
hereby continued, and shall remain and be in full force for and during
the term
of three years, and to the end of the next session of assembly which
shall happen
thereafter. |
Passed December
17. |
An ACT for better securing the payment of imposts and duties
imposed by law, and securing the persons of officers
from violence
in or for the execution of their offices. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS goods, chargeable by law with imposts and
duties, are
often run, under the expectation that the payment will be evaded if
such goods escape seizure, which may induce those who risk them to
use violence for their preservation, when their artful contrivances fail
to conceal
them; and it is essential to good government that men should be under strong
impressions of due punishment for violence committed on officers in
or for the
lawful execution of their offices: |
An action
may be maintained,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an action may
be maintained in the name of this state, wherein it shall be sufficient
to declare
for money had and received to the use of this state, for any imposts or
duties on
goods, wares or merchandise, hereafter imported or brought into this state,
which shall not have been paid, or secured according to law; and the attorney-general,
or other person prosecuting for the state, may wave any forfeiture or
penalty concerning such goods, wares or merchandise, by land or by
water, either
personally, or by his or their servants, or others employed by him or them,
having such goods, wares or merchandise, consigned to him or them,
or purchasing
the same, knowing the imposts or duties were not paid, or secured according
to law, shall be chargeable in such action; provided, that there shall
be but one satisfaction of the duties or imposts on the same goods, wares
merchandise. Provided, the remedy given by this act shall not hinder
any subsisting
remedy, but shall be additional thereto, and that any action for the recovery
of the said duties or imposts shall be commenced within three years next
after the cause thereof shall have accrued. |
Officer may
recover damages
battery, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That for any battery or assault hereafter committed
on the person of any officer in or for the lawful execution of his office,
or on the
person f any other assisting him therein, such officer or person, on a
suit in the
general court of the shore where the offence was committed, if the damages
assessed shall be five pounds or upwards, shall recover the damages assessed,
also double costs. |
This act was
neither engrossed,
or sealed. |
An * ACT respecting the
securities of public debtors. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the public have and may grant an indulgence
to public
debtors, by extending the time limited for payment, and it is reasonable
that the securities of such debtors should not suffer thereby: |
Security may
give notice,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That any security for
any public debtor, or the executor or administrator of such security, after
the |
* In COUNCIL, February 28, 1788.
THIS bond being informed, by William
Harwood, Esquire, clerk of the house of delegates, that a bill,
entitled, An act respecting the securities of public debtors, passed both
branches of the legislature las session,
but being mislaid, was not engrossed, signed and sealed, by the governor,
it is ORDERED, That the said bill be
printed and published among the laws of said session, and that it stand
in the order in which it was passed, and
that it be lodged with the clerk of the general court, to be by him recorded;
and further, that the printer note
in the margin of said act, that the above circumstances of engrossing,
signing and sealing, were not complied
with, and that the clerk of the general court, in the margin of the record
of the said act, make a similar note.
Extract from the minutes,
T. JOHNSON, jun. secretary. |