Passed December
16. |
An ACT to establish pilots, and to regulate their fees. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is necessary for the safety and preservation
of vessels
bound from this state to sea, or coming into Chesapeake bay and
bound up any river of this state, and to some port thereof, that able
and experienced pilots should be established to conduct and pilot such
vessels, for
reasonable fees, to their several moorings, and that ignorant and unskilful
should be prevented from undertaking such pilotage: |
A board of
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Septimus Noel,
Isaac Vanbibber, Robert Henderson, Thomas Johnson, Jeremiah Yellott, James
Clark and Thomas Elliott, or any four or more of them, be and hereby are
a board to examine any person who shall desire to be admitted a pilot
(he first producing a certificate from the court of the county where
he resides of
his honesty and good behaviour, and paying to the said board the sum of
shillings current money, and to the register of the board five shilling),
and if
upon public examination the person shall appear to the board of sufficient
skill and experience, they shall grant him one of three kinds of warrant
of appointment
and licence, according to the qualifications of such person, thereby
authorising such person, for one year from the date of such warrant,
either to
pilot vessels of any draught of water, or vessels of not exceeding twelve
draught, or vessels of not exceeding nine feet draught; and every person
a warrant of appointment and licence agreeably to this act, shall thereafter
reputed a lawful pilot; but no person shall be entitled to receive a warrant
aforesaid as a first rate pilot, unless he hath employed himself for at
least three
years in the business of piloting vessels of any draught, or unless he
hath served at
least four years as an apprentice to the business of piloting; and every
pilot shall
renew his warrant of licence every year in the month of February; and every
rate pilot shall pay fifteen shillings, and every second rate pilot ten
shillings, and
every third rate pilot five shillings, to the register of the board for
every renewal,
and the board may renew any licence or not, as they may think proper. |
Who shall
take an oath. |
III. And be
it enacted, That every member of the said board, before he proceeds
to examine any person applying for a warrant as a pilot under this
act, shall
take the following oath, or affirmation, (to be administered by any justice
of the
peace) to wit:—" I, A. B. do swear (or solemnly, sincerely truly declare
and affirm), that I will impartially examine and inquire into the capacity,
and experience, of C. D. in the art of piloting in Chesapeake bay and the
thereof, and will admit him as I find him qualified, or reject him
if I find him
unqualified, without favour, affection or reward." |
And make a
common seal,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said board may make a common seal, and
alter and renew the same at their pleasure, and may appoint a register,
who shall
enter in a book, to be provided for that purpose, all applications to,
and all other
proceedings of, the said board, and the register shall countersign
all warrants
for pilots granted by the board; and every such warrant shall be under
the seal
of the said board. |
No person to
act as pilot
unless he keep
about twenty-six
keel, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any person to act as a
pilot, notwithstanding his having obtained a warrant as aforesaid, unless
he or
the company to which he belongs shall keep one sufficient boat of twenty-six
keel streight rabbet, at the least, and decked and well sound, under the
of fifty pounds current money for every vessel such person shall undertake
conduct or pilot; and the name of every boat, and the number of her warrant
and the port she belongs to, shall be put on her stern, and on her mainsail
foresail, in large letters. |
Penalty on
persons acting
without licence,
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That if any person, not having a warrant as a pilot
agreeably to this act, shall presume to take upon himself to conduct or
pilot any
vessel bound from any port in this state to sea, or coming from sea and
bound up
any river of this state, and to any port thereof, every such person shall
forfeit |