Courts may
continue actions
new parties
are made, &c. |
VII. And be it
enacted, That in all actions where, by the death of the plaintiff
or defendant, new parties are made or to be made to such actions, the
courts respectively shall have a discretionary power to continue such actions
long as they shall think necessary for the due administration of justice,
not exceeding
the end of the third court after the appearance court of such new party,
unless evidence, or testimony or plots be wanting, as herein before provided. |
And where a
witness cannot
be procured,
&c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That in any case where the attendance of a witness
residing within this state to a material fact cannot be procured, the said
respectively may continue such cause as long as they may think proper,
if the
adverse party will not admit the facts, or consent to the taking the deposition
such witness on interrogatories before some justice of the peace where
such witness
resides. |
But not on a
special verdict,
&c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That on a special verdict, or case stated, the said courts
respectively shall not continue any cause on a curia advisare vult longer
than to
the end of the third court after verdict taken, or case stated. |
Continuance. |
X. This act to continue and to be in force
for seven years, and until the end
of the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter. |
Passed December
16. |
An ACT authorising the appointment of trustees to sell and convey
a tract of land called Hall's Lot, lying and being
in Charles
county, for the purposes therein mentioned. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the humble
petition of James, Edward and Joseph Milburn Semmes, that their
father, Thomas Semmes, purchased of a certain Joseph Semmes,
about sixteen years past, a valuable tract of land, for which he passed
his bond for
eight hundred pounds sterling, on which bond there yet remains due the
sum of
three hundred pounds sterling: And whereas the said petition further
that the said Thomas Semmes has been for many months disordered in his
and now is almost totally deprived of his reason; and it appearing reasonable
pass a law to vest powers in trustees to sell and convey a tract of land,
the property
of the said Thomas Semmes, called Hall's Lot, containing about one hundred
and thirty acres, for the purpose of taking up the said bond; |
Justice to appoint
persons, &c, |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the presiding
justice of Charles county court be and he is hereby authorised to appoint
three persons
for the purpose of selling and conveying the said tract of land called
Hall's Lot. |
Who are empowered
sell, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the trustees so appointed, or any two of them,
are hereby empowered, after giving six weeks notice thereof in the Maryland
Gazette, to expose to sale to the highest bidder, on the premises, the
said tract
of land called Hall's Lot, and to apply the money arising from the sale
to the
discharge of the balance due on the said bond. |
And their
shall be good,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the conveyance made by the said trustees, or any
two of them, to the purchasers of the said tract of land, shall be
good and effectual in law. |
Passed December
!6. |
An ACT for the relief of the poor in Kent county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS a number of the inhabitants of Kent county,
by their
humble petition to this general assembly, have set forth, that they
are heavily burthened with taxes for supporting the poor in said county,
whose numbers annually increase, and notwithstanding the large sums granted
to that use, they are not conformably supported under the present regulations;
therefore, |