away in pursuance of such order or decree, as the chancellor shall,
on consideration
of all circumstances, think just and right. |
XXX. |
An ACT to remove the market-house at the Head of Elk, and
establish the same, and for the advancement and regulation
the said town. |
Passed May
24. |
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general
assembly, that a
market-house hath been erected by the inhabitants of the Head of
Elk, on a lot of ground sold by the commissioners of confiscated British
property to Joseph Gilpin for public use, and that by an act passed at
the last
session, entitled, An act to remove the seat of justice from Charles-town
to the
Head of Elk, a court-house and gaol are directed and ordered to be built
on the
same lot, and that the same is too small for so many public buildings:
whereas Jacob Hollinsgworth, by deed, bearing date the twelfth day of May,
seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, hath given and granted a lot of ground
a market-house in the town aforesaid, provided that a market-house shall
erected thereon within the space of two years, and thereafter be upheld,
and used, by the inhabitants of the said town, as a market-place; and a
large majority of the said inhabitants have prayed, that the market erected
on the
lot first mentioned may be removed and erected on the lot given for that
by Jacob Hollingsworth, and that a market might be held thereon on every
Tuesday and Saturday for ever hereafter, and also that there may be held,
on the
same place, general markets for the sale, barter or exchange, of all
sorts of produce,
the growth or manufactures of this, or any of the United States, on the
first Tuesdays, and the day after, of April, June, October and December,
for ever thereafter; and that proper regulations for the said market might
made, and commissioners appointed to carry the same into effect; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may
be lawful for the commissioners herein after mentioned, or any of them,
as soon
as they, or a majority of them, shall think proper, and they are hereby
within the time limited by the grant from Jacob Hollingsworth as before
to cause the market-house to be removed as the said inhabitants have
prayed, that as soon as the same shall be done and completed, from and
that time every Tuesday and Saturday shall be set apart, appointed and
held, as market-days
in the town aforesaid, and that all victuals and provisions whatsoever
to the said town for sale, (upon those days before ten of the clock in
the morning)
shall be sold or offered to sale in the said market-place, and not elsewhere. |
to be removed,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That no person shall buy, or cause to be bought, of
any person or persons bringing to the said town, and within one mile
thereof, or
having brought any kind of victuals or provisions whatsoever to the said
town for
sale before ten o'clock in the morning on the said days of the week, at
any other
place whatsoever but at or in the said market-house to be erected as aforesaid,
under the penalty of fifteen shillings current money for every such offence. |
Penalty on
persons buying
out of
market, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That if any servant or slave shall offend against this
act, by buying any kind of victuals or provisions brought into said town
on the
said market-days before the hour of ten o'clock in the morning, or which
person shall be bringing into the said town for sale on the said market-days,
any place whatsoever other than the said market-house, (after the same
shall be
erected) the master, mistress, overseer, or owner of such servant or slave,
shall be
fined the sum of fifteen shillings current money for every such offence,
if the said
offence be committed with his or her knowledge. |
On servants,
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That no person whatsoever, bringing or sending, or
having brought or sent, any provisions or victuals to said town for sale
on the
market-days aforesaid, shall sell, or cause to be sold, the said victuals
or provisions
so bringing or sending, or brought or sent, as aforesaid, at any place
in said |
On persons
selling, &c. |